<p>Thomas, you have excellent stats and will undoubtedly be admitted. Are you applying as a freshman or transfer student? Rose Hill-Bronx (main) campus? Or Lincoln Center campus? Residential student or commuter?</p>
<p>Fordham is an outstanding university that offers its students a plethora of opportunity and experiences. Its an academic school, but provides them with the opportunity for spiritual nurturing, philosophical probing, athletic prowess, social networking, and personal emotional and intellectual growth. </p>
<p>Its campus on Rose Hill is a stunning gothic architecture among vast green lawns and historic buildings. Top flight athletic facilities. But the real “beauty” of Fordham is its student body and faculty. The students are all great kids from all over the United States (though a significant percentage from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut), and some foreign countries. They have attained 30% diversity in its student body. The faculty are all top drawer academicians with a very high percentage having attained their credentials at Ivy League schools. Fordham prides itself on being nurturing and inclusive, helping each student individually achieve personal goals and objectives, both academically and socially/emotionally.</p>
<p>It is a quintessential New York university, while also being a classic college campus.</p>
<p>Best of luck to you and we hope to see you on campus!</p>
<p>yo dude ur reallly gonna ask with a GPA and SAT scores like that??? of course ur in!!! … if i were u id aim higher ( onless theres like financial reasons u cant). Id suggest Carnegie Mellon out in " the burgh"</p>
<p>Could someone please tell me what subjects (apart from math) I’ll have to study during my Freshman year? I was unable to find this from the Fordham website.</p>