Foreign language at CC

Hopefully this is in the right area.
I attend a cc and I am nine classes away from completing two AA degrees.I plan on becoming a teacher and would love to teach english abroad or in an immersion school in the US.
I realized that my class schedule for next year isn’t really full like I’m used to (basically 3 classes per quarter). Is it a good idea to add in a couple French classes while I’m still at cc or wait until I transfer. I studied the language in high school and have been self studying since. I did take one class in college but took some time off from school
I have been thinking about using these courses so that I could possibly minor in French once I transfer. However, I’m not sure if it would be best to take them at cc or wait to transfer to prepare for the minor.

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IMHO this really is up to you. It seems like an issue of how much time and effort you want to put into your studies, and perhaps how good the courses are at your CC.

To me learning a second language is not easy and takes commitment over time. At least to me it seems a lot easier to learn a second language if you have an opportunity to use it. For example there are some French movies on Netflix that you could watch. There is also an option of taking a French immersion course. There are some very good (and reasonably priced) French immersion courses available during the summer at some universities in Canada. These are available regardless of your current level of fluency.

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I suggest that you focus on your quickest path to finish one associate’s degree, and transfer to a school that has a transfer agreement with your community college, for an education degree. Do not spend extra time in community college to finish a second associate’s degree - it will not add anything to your credentials for teaching, in the future. As to the issue of studying a foreign language: the earlier, the better. Every year, one loses some of one’s ability to learn and retain a foreign language. So if they teach French at your community college, and you want to take it, great. The only thing is, if you took it in high school, and have been self-studying it since, they may not have it at a high enough level for you. Even so, as long as it will not delay your being awarded an associate’s and transferring to a 4 yr college, adding in the language now is better than delaying restarting it until after you have transferred.

Teaching English abroad in a French-speaking country would be an excellent way to solidify your French eventually; however, an education degree is not what you need for that. You need an ESL certification to do that. They vary from simple online certifications to Master’s degree level qualifications.

In order to teach French, or to teach in a French language immersion program in the US, you would need to be truly fluent in French. You would need a double major in French and education, or a BA in French plus an MA in education, plus you really would need to spend a year or two living in a French speaking country, actually living the language (meaning NOT in a program for Americans, where you wind up speaking a lot of English while you’re there).

In any event, if you want to continue to improve your French, don’t delay. Take whatever level French is most appropriate for you at the community college. And yes, watching French language TV and movies is a great way to improve your French. First watch the program with English subtitles, until you understand the plot. Then watch it again with French subtitles, so that you’re reading and listening in French. This can be incredibly helpful in improving one’s receptive language skills.


Thank you! I have looked into ESL certifications and will most likely get CELTA. This seems to be the certification that is highly recommended. I think adding a double major in French will be the right path for me. Starting the prerequisites at cc will save some time to get to upper division classes.

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