Foreign Language credits in high school: Does middle school count as well?

<p>I know that most colleges require 2 years of foreign language as part of high school. But I took Latin I and Latin II in middle school, with Latin III in high school. I'm currently a junior taking 4 AP classes, and I already have my senior year planned out to take 5 APs. A lot of my friends are under the impression that the two years of language MUST be in high school, and the middle school credits don't count. But I've already checked with one college, who said that my middle school credits would count. Does this hold true for UMiami? UMiami is my dream school, and as long as I get a high enough merit scholarship award and finaid, I am dead set on coming here, so I don't want to start applying next year only to find out that I need another year of language...</p>

<p>I’m pretty certain only high school classes count for all colleges, middle school grades/classes are not on your transcripts.</p>

<p>Middle school classes, grades are on transcripts if they are HS classes.<br>
ie: son took Honors Bio in 8th grade so this was on his transcript.
Per language. I think you are fine. Most schools start foreign languages in middle school. Son is at Miami (full scholarship) and did not have a problem with the language requirement, if any.</p>

<p>Want merit at UM, keep grades up, taka AP’s to increase you weighted GPA, and get a high ACT or SAT score! Good luck. We are happy “U” parents!</p>