<p>My sister insists that you need 10 credit hours of foreign language for the political science major at UGA, but the website says only 6 hours of humanities(which foreign language is under). She also says you need an upper level english course (English 2000 or higher), but once again the website doesnt mention that. Who is right here?</p>
<p>Well as a potential polysci major myself, I've found out you need to have 4 semesters (13 credits) of a foreign language. You can AP or SAT out of up to 10, but no matter what you'll have to take at least one language class. The upper-level english course is not required- I think you have the option to take one to fulfil your humanities requirement, but there's no need to take another English class if you really don't want to.</p>
<p>hey thanks... my sister never took French in college, she just said she got rid of the requirement through a university placement test...</p>
<p>Well it all depends. Different schools within the university (such as Frankiln College of A&S), have more requirements in addition to the core curriculum (for example, a 2000-level English class). This is where the foreign language requirement comes from as well. AP and SAT II CAN get you out of the requirement, however, because while they only give you up to 10 hours of credit, they still give you credit through a fourth semester class (because no hours of credit are given for 1001). Make sense?</p>
<p>sweet, thanks. I think I can SAT II out of it.</p>
<p>I checked the UGA bulletin and the college requirements so let's just say i'm sorry I misled you earlier...</p>
<p>About the language requirement. It's only 4th semester if you're an international affairs major, not political science. Sorry that I got confused there (i'm an INTL major too and got mixed up).</p>
<p>Also, the School of Public and International Affairs, where polysci is located, requires that you have to take at least one intro to economics course, one literature course (which cannot be APed out but can be in english, linguistics, or classics), one advanced math course (you can AP out of this too) and you're recommended to take one philosophy course for the polysci major.</p>
<p>Thanks vig, i will basically AP out of every course that I can...I want to double major.</p>