Foreign Language Requirements

I do not have any years of foreign language but to go to University of Arizona, I have to have 2. Would it be acceptable to take spainish 1 and french 1 my senior year? Or does it matter at all? If all else fails I can take a summer course at a local college but I would like to avoid that

It says 2 high school credits of the same language. 1 Spanish and 1 French wouldn’t work.

But taking the courses at a college would work right?

if I am a junior do I still have time to get those classes in?

You need to complete high school level 2, college second semester, or some sort proficiency test (e.g. AP score), according to the link in #1.

so I could take spanish 1 at a CC and then take spainish 2 my senior year of high school?

Are you a junior now? You could take Spanish 1 at CC over the summer and Spanish 2 in the fall, or Spanish 1 in the fall and Spanish 2 in the spring. Most beginning level CC Spanish classes are the equivalents to a Spanish HS class.

There are also online high school level classes that may satisfy the requirement - take Spanish 1 and start now so you complete it prior to enrolling in Spanish II at your high school in the fall.


Be aware that you will might also have a language requirement at UA. My son took 4 years of Spanish, ending in 4AP Spanish, and is fluent, but he still had to take one semester of Spanish at UA because he is earning a B.S. Unsure if all depts. require a language to graduate.