Foreign language

Hi, can I take an Arabic course in college as a UC requirement for a second language . Thanks

Call the college and ask. No one here can say definitively.

Yes, bit you need to complete more than one community college class - you will need 3 semesters o believe and Arabic is extremely challenging.

If the school’s courses are listed on , then you can find out what you need to get to “LOTE level 2” (language other than English, high school year 2 or equivalent) at a minimum for UC or CSU admission, with “LOTE level 3” or “LOTE level 4+” recommended for UC.

For California community colleges offering 5-credit foreign language courses on the semester system, the first semester often is listed as “LOTE level 2”, and the second semester often is listed as “LOTE level 3” (at quarter system colleges, the second quarter is needed to get to “LOTE level 2”). However, for other colleges, particularly those where the foreign language courses are fewer than 5 credits, you may need to get to the second semester or third quarter to reach the equivalent of “LOTE level 2”. If you are unsure, contact UC directly.