Foreigner into US?

<p>I'm a Korean student studying in Shanghai.
It's soon going to be my junior year and I'm starting to get worked up on the technicalities of the whole college/med school thing.
I want to become a doctor and I'm slightly confused on which route to take.
I could either become a doctor in the US or a doctor in Korea and then become a licensed physician in the States.
So my question is</p>

<p>As a foreigner, is it extremely difficult to enter a med school in the US?
Also if it is, would you recommend me to enter a korean college and med school or a good US college like the top-tiers an then med school in korea...</p>

<p>Now this is all if I get accepted into any of these schools :P</p>

<p>Either route is very difficult. If you’re the kind of candidate who can get into a top-tier American university, you’ll probably have what it takes to get into medical school.</p>

<p>(By the way, Hopkins is very famous internationally, but we usually do NOT recommend it as an undergraduate school for aspiring doctors.)</p>