Forgot to Add Middle School Courses on Cal State App

I couldn’t figure out how to put middle school courses on my application, so I skipped this process but then forgot to go back and add geometry, algebra 1, and Spanish 1.
I applied for construction management. Does anyone know how it will affect my chances?

Act: 32 (35 E, 31 Math)
Gpa on cal state app: (4.36)
MCA: 4350 (should be 4650)
Have gotten straight As all four years

Sophomore year:
AP Euro
Hon Precalc
Hon Chem
Hon. Eng 2
Student government (4 years)

Junior Year:
AP Calc AB
AP Lang
AP Chem
Student government

Senior year:
AP Lit
AP Calc BC
AP Gov
Hon Marine
Student government

I also have worked and done extracurricular 11-15 hours and have held a leadership role

This is for Cal Poly Slo

Also I have gotten straight As for all three, not four, years

300 MCA points is a decent loss but your GPA/test scores put you above the averages for the College of Architecture overall.

Average SLO GPA: 4.03 Average ACT: 30

There is no way to know how competitive the Construction Management Major has been but the SLO projections are 341 applicants for 100 spots. If they have a 33% expected yield for that major, it puts the acceptance rate around 88% which are great odds.

Best of luck.

You can also check out the Final status thread from last year to see if any Construction Managament MCA’s were posted.

Thank you for the info. I made a stupid mistake, and I know small mistakes can be costly on college apps. An 88% acceptance rate is actually pretty high. If I don’t get in, I have definitely learned my lesson.

The 88% acceptance rate is projected and not definite since SLO only posts target # of applications vs. target # of spots. Their yield is a guesstimate and may be higher than 33%. It is just a ballpark.

how do you calculate acceptance rate?

It depends upon the # of applicants, the # of spots available and the # of admitted students.

SLO only lists the # of application targets which is 341 for Construction Management and the # of spots they plan to fill which is 100.

If their yield for that major is 33 % meaning they admits 3x as many applicants than spots available you get 300 admitted students.

300 admits/341 apps x100= approximately an 88% acceptance rate.

This is assuming their yield is 33%. If their expected yield is higher, then they would accept less applicants. If the expected yield is lower, then they accept more students and the expected acceptance rate will rise or fall depending upon the yield.

SLO does not publish historical yields, GPA’s or test scores by major so you also do not know how competitive past applicants have been for each specific major.

These #’s are projections only.

Ok sounds good. Thanks again for the help!

Do you know any other Construction Management major stats? I tried looking for them on college confidential, but only found stats for mostly engineering and business. I have heard it is not super competitive to get into compared to engineering.

Here is some stat information from the Final status thread I linked above:

Construction Management
MCA: 4686
In State

Construction Management
MCA: 4212
GPA: 3.92
SAT: 1350
In state!

Construction Management
Unknown MCA
4.2 GPA

Ok cool. Thank you again for all the help @Gumbymom. I greatly appreciate it. It has relieved some stress. Enjoy your Holidays!

Why did the OP miss out on 300 MCA points?
I thought the middle school classes were just to complete the A-G requirements. Are they used for another purpose which impacts MCA points?

yes @diegodavis. I missed out on another two semesters of Spanish and math, which decreased my MCA. Middle school classes can also be used to fulfill A-G requirements.

Thanks. Just looked up MCA and saw the course rigor section. Hadn’t realized that. Going to make sure junior & senior years get my D some of the extra points.

@Gumbymom @upp1234 Cal Poly does provide historical yield rates by college within the university. Unfortunately it is not broken down by specific major within each college though. The most recent information is for the Fall 2018 which shows the yield rate for the College of Architecture & Environmental Design (which Construction Management is in) had a 44.8% yield rate - which is the highest yield rate of any of the 6 colleges on campus.

For reference, the yield rates for the other colleges for Fall 2018 can be found here:

Even with the unintended omission of the middle school courses, it still looks like @upp1234 has a chance of acceptance to me based on stats provided by other students last year.

@nocal1: I would expect the yield for the College of Architecture & Environmental Design to be one of the highest due to the fact that there an not many Undergrad Architecture programs in California so getting in would be a highly desirable option for those applicants. I agree that @upp1234 looks like a competitive applicant for their major: Construction Management.

@nocal1 if the yield rate is 44%, does that mean the acceptance rate goes down? If so, would it be more in the high 60s low 70s?

The yield of 44% is for the College of Architecture overall and not for the Construction Management major specifically. If the yield is 44%, then they would admit less applicants for the 100 spots available so the projected acceptance rate would go down.

@upp1234 Even though the overall yield for the College of Architecture & Environmental Design was 44.8% for Fall 2018, we don’t know specifically what it was for Construction Management. But, if you did use that yield and applied it to the # of applications and enrollment target for Construction Management, then you would get a lower admit rate of about 60% (at least for last year’s admitted class). Even so, I still think you are competitive with your MCA based on stats for last year. CM is a bit of an unknown major - a blend of Architecture/Engineering/Business - and has fantastic job prospects/starting salaries, especially as a Cal Poly grad. Good luck to you!!