Forgot to include quote in essay.

<p>Hi all. This is the text of part of my Macaulay Honors College essay:</p>

<p>As Plato said, "something
about how those who are focused on wisdom cannot fear death (I will
fill this in later when I find the quote in my book)".</p>

<p>Needless to say, this is an egregious error, and one that I didn't catch until after I submitted the essay. I e-mailed them the real quote. Do you think it'll hurt my chances?</p>

<p>I think it kind of depends on what your chances were before the application essay. If you were a borderline student that didn’t have a good chance in getting in, it might affect it, but if everything else on your application is solid, it probably won’t change it. But really, it all depends on how the person reading your essay will view the mistake. And no one can predict that. Regardless, everything happens for a reason. If you don’t get in, it might be the best thing that ever happened to you.</p>