Forgot to Upload Supplemetal Essay on common app

<p>Do yout guys think it's okay if I email it to undergraduate admissions?</p>

<p>mail it maybe. I haven’t heard of anyone emailing it.</p>

<p>Don’t email it. Print it out and mail it hardcopy.</p>

<p>Okay thanks.</p>

<p>Mail it! Same thing happened to my child a few years ago and she mailed it. She was accepted, so don’t worry about it. Just include a short note explaining what happened and make sure to put all your pertinent info on what you send.</p>

<p>Mail it. They said that you could send the supplement without the essay and mail it to them later, so some people actually intentionally do this.</p>

<p>Sorry, but where is this “supplemental essay”? Is this on the Harvard Supplement - the optional essay?</p>