Formal Clothing

<p>When are the dances and formals held, and how often are they held? I don't want to bring too much formal clothing when I move in (I'd much prefer to go home for like Thanksgiving and just pick up more clothes to bring back), but I don't want to have not enough?</p>

<p>There's only going to be formals and dances if you get involved with a fraternity/sorority or know somebody of the opposite sex who will take you.</p>

<p>They're usually in the Fall, Winter, Valentine's, and Spring.</p>

<p>If you plan on joining a frat, do yourself a favoir and buy a tux now. Most frats have you wear a tux, and if you go to 7 formals, at $70/rental...</p>

<p>Eh, you don't always have to wear a tux. And idk about your formals, but the way our formals go, i'd rather be wearing something rented.</p>

<p>Will three suits, a couple of nice shirts, and some ties fulfill all my Cornell needs (job, job interviews, formals, etc.)?</p>

<p>One or two suits is plenty. You really only need one. You're going to want at least a few nice shirts and a couple ties.</p>

<p>what about girls? Do they wear prom dresses?</p>

<p>ok...If your not going to be in a frat, what'll you need a Suit for? Cuz I've already packed and left Bangalore....and, didn't pack a suit.</p>

<p>If you're not going to be in a frat, you may not need a suit. You might use one for a job interview, if a girl takes you to her formal, etc.</p>

what about girls? Do they wear prom dresses?


<p>No, that would be over the top.</p>

<p>Actually, i've seen a lot of girls wearing prom dresses. To class, the gym, club meetings, you know...</p>

<p>to tea, a lot of girls get dressed up for tea.</p>

<p>perro, good point re: the way formals go...</p>

<p>Arjun, I bet you'll be fine without a suit. If you find yourself in a situation where you really need one, someone will lend you one.</p>

<p>I only wear mine when I go gorge jumping.</p>

<p>Arjun, I wouldn't really worry about having a suit. Worst comes to worst, you can buy one, rent one or borrow one. You probably won't be needing one.</p>

<p>yeah, if the prom dress is one of those really frilly, pompous, gigantic ones it might actually slow you down as you leap into the gorge. :) And if it doesn't slow you down enough,well, at least you'll decorate the gorge.</p>

<p>Dude, I meant gorge jumping into water, lol. You'll find out about it during orientation week.</p>

<p>Hahahhaa prefrosh.</p>

<p>lol...I thought you were talking about in a sarcastic way of leaping into the gorge.</p>

<p>As for being prefrosh, whatever, at least learned something, albiet through embarrassment, but atleast I didn't have to wait until I got there! :D</p>

<p>Oh, no, I'm not that bad.</p>

<p>How high are these Gorges you use for Gorge Jumping?</p>

<p>There are 3 spots, I think they're around 30, 40, and 60 feet...</p>