Fourth semester in college ... and feeling like I'm burning out

<p>Hey everyone. </p>

<p>Just looking for some advice. I'm a sophomore in Comp Sci at Michigan in my fourth semester, and I'm feeling the effects of burning out. This semester has been really tough on me -- it just seems like a huge step up from previous semesters or my mind is getting really tired with projects/homework/team meetings/work/extra curricular meetings/internship searching, etc... I can't seem to catch a break. It just feels frustrating, partially because I think I may have been pretty unwise/aggressive in my class selections. It almost seems like I'm losing the ability to think effectively or it takes me a really long time to think through problems/learn new material. In addition, it seems like I've lost the ability to think coherently this semester --- I have highly disorganized thoughts. </p>

<p>On the other hand, even if I don't have that problem, whenever I have an exam, it seems like I freak out and I do less than desirably. I've always had test anxiety, and it seems to have worsened this semester. I still put in very good effort into studying (could be a bit more focused) by starting the study process early before exams and going to office hours whenever necessary. </p>

<p>I have done fairly well in college so far (my GPA is about a 3.86), but I don't want my efforts to go to waste. </p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>A GPA of 3.86 is outstanding. Just know that it will be summer in a little over a month. Take the summer off if you can. It sounds like you need it…</p>

<p>I agree with the last post … take the summer off! If you want to do something to add to your CV over the summer, try tutoring kids or senior citizens basic computer skills - should be very laid back, but would look great!</p>

<p>Have you considered studying abroad or doing a domestic exchange/being a visiting scholar at another university? I started to get bored and frustrated after my second year/beginning of junior year. I studied abroad second semester of junior year and it was such a refreshing and wonderful experience.</p>

<p>I have an internship this summer … is that a good thing for my brain? Since Michigan gets off in late April (actually our last week of classes is about 2 weeks from now), I’ll get a month before my internship starts.</p>

<p>I’ve always found that I was far more relaxed/less stressed out while working full time than being in school full time, but that’s just me. (You’re at work all day, but never have studying/homework to do).</p>

<p>moved to College Life (college sophomore troubles)</p>

<p>Dude… I am at Umich too</p>

<p>only 2~3 more weeks</p>

<p>hang in there</p>

<p>Dude, just wait until next year, and the year after that… It doesn’t get any easier.</p>

<p>You should figure out exactly what your problem with staying focused is, and fix it. If you just need a few days off to do nothing, then take a few days off. Despite what others may have you think, slogging through is not as effective as taking a break, recovering, and starting again fresh.</p>

<p>So finals wrapped up and … it’s just a bummer to see this semester go this way. I know that there’s not much else I can do for this semester besides hitting the refresh button on the browser to see if grades are out yet, but how do successful upper classmen study? I know I’m going to order books early on just to have them on hand (I know a few people who do that) and I’m thinking about launching into a few programming projects in my spare time before my internship starts, but I really don’t think that I handled my “tougher” classes this term well. Any advice in this area? </p>
