Frat Life, Scholarships, and Business School

<p>Could someone please explain the differences(including rank) of the business schools at IU, U of Illinois, and here? Also can anyone explain the frat life on campus? Also, are there any possible scholarships that one can qualify for, since tuition is very expensive?</p>

<p>Research the various schools you are interested in- see which appeal most to you. Also consider the entire campus experience.</p>

<p>Frat life at UW is only relevant to the small minority who choose it.</p>

<p>Do not count on any scholarships from UW, especially as a freshman. Look at the scholarship site of UW and see which ones you might qualify for. You are the one who has to hunt for them- perhaps you are a certain minority. UW does not need to give merit money to attract good students.</p>

<p>Did you apply for scholarships at your high school? Mine had quite a few to apply for, some with significant dollars for winners.</p>

<p>re: frat life – just another campus social venue. Once in you’re party of a “family” that does lots of stuff together. There is a time commitment --and not just to party and meet hot girls-- for house duties and public service activities.</p>