freaked out about academic probation SAP financial aid

<p>My first year of college I attempted 9 credit hours. It was 3 classes that were 3 credits each. I ended up getting sick and flunked my first year. Now I'm on academic probation due to a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) thingy that the school has something about needing to pass 65% of my attempted credits. </p>

<p>I'm on academic probation right now with financial aid and the school financial lady told me that I would most likely go on Suspension with financial aid in January but I need to appeal it in January to get Financial aid again. </p>

<p>I'm wondering since I am taking my failed classes over again in August and another class if there is a way to take enough classes to get off of academic probation by being able to meet the SAP requirement of passing 65% of attempted credit/classes? </p>

<p>I'm trying to figure out how many credits that I need to take in August in order to pass 65% of attempted credits/classes with at least a 2.0 because I don't want to end up on suspension fighting/begging for financial aid with appeals each term. </p>

<p>Thank you for your time. I appreciate you reading this.</p>

<p>Have you passed any classes at all? If not, then you will have to pass about 15 credits in order to have passed 65%</p>