<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>Today, 4th of December, I have taken my first Biology test. IT WAS AWFUL! I hardly solved 30 questions total. I am really freaking out because my last chance is next January. I have almost covered 50% of the material of SAT II biology, but still I did awful today :(. I took the M section because molecular biology sounds familiar to me.</p>
<p>I have covered :</p>
<p>-Organismal biology.
-Cellular Respiration.
<h2>-DNA RNA</h2>
<p>People am freaking out. Please Please ! Help me out by telling me what book should I start studying in. And, telling me what 26 Raw score would get me.. </p>
<p>Also, I've read a lot of topics in this website and as I can see most of the people who did the bio exam got 700+, so i would like to hear from you guys .. </p>
<p>I am pretty sure I scored 800 or near 800 on the Bio M test today so maybe i can help you. </p>
<p>Barron’s SAT II Biology…I have made my mark! Ciao!</p>
<p>I took an honors Biology course 2 years ago and am currently taking AP biology and I can say the test is difficult… I took Barron’s and got a 500 -.- Good thing I switched to Physics…</p>
<p>@yalefanboy, am so thankful for ur answer … but is Barron’s really enough ?? cause as u can see in the next post neo only got 500 with Barron’s and will you please tell me how much time would it take me to study the whole book ?</p>
<p>@neo, unlucky, i can’t switch to physics nor can i switch to chemistry
<p>I read 16 chapters in one day. There are 19 chapters in the book. It’s not that long.</p>
<p>oh no
reading would do me no good … i actually need to study it so hard to get a good score … and my biology background is actually so bad</p>
<p>I thought the test was pretty easy too. But it might just be because I’ve had an intensive background. I took the Bio SAT the first time after Honors Bio in 9th grade and I got a 770 on Bio E. Since then I took AP Bio Junior Year, studied Barrons SAT for the last two days and just took it today (this time Molecular though). I was pretty confident about all of my answers.
Biology is pretty straightforward–you just have to put the time into it.
If you haven’t taken AP yet, you should. Then you can retake it again in case you didn’t meet your expectations.</p>
<p>Don’t study with Kaplan. No diagrams or drawings, though i knew which part of the eye did what i couldn’t label diagram of the eye that was on today’s test</p>
<p>@biohate I got a 500 on the practice in the Barron’s book, not the actual test. I decided a couple days after buying the book that I should try physics instead, even though I didn’t finish a semester of Physics yet… it’s much easier to me.</p>
<p>Barron’s is the best. I took my first Biology test on December 4, and I only studied for about a month. My background in biology sucks, but I still feel confident for 700+. Barron’s all the way man. I was in your position about 2 months ago. Study an hour everyday (2-3 chapters a day). In the final week before the exam, try to finish the book 2-3 times. Then, go to Sparknotes.com and take the 5 practice tests.</p>
<p>Good luck :D!</p>
<p>I used Princeton Review and took bio on the same day as you did. I really liked PR though a lot of people prefer Barron’s. I just thought PR explained things in a comprehensible manner, had nicer diagrams, and had good practice tests. Barron’s usually covers more than you need to know, which isn’t helpful if you have less than a month to prepare (for a subject test where you need to memorize). For something like Math II, I’d recommend Barron’s. For bio, though, definitely PR. Read through it, highlight stuff, and make notes on tricky things!</p>