SAT scores came out a few hours ago, and I'm already freaking out (checked the average SAT score of every college I wanted to go to in about an hour). I had hoped that I would do better on them, but I guess I'd like some reassurances or advice? This is my second time taking the SATs, but I need to know if I should retake. A lot of my classmates have all gotten 2400's (about 7) or 2300+. Help please?</p>
<p>Ethnicity-East Asian
Grade-11, Gender-Male, State-New Jersey</p>
<p>Major- Pre-medical</p>
<p>PSAT -- 191 (don't remember break-down)</p>
<p>SAT I -- 2200 -- CR 700 WR-700 M-800</p>
<p>AP Chem- 3</p>
<p>SAT II Biology E- 800</p>
<p>SAT II Chem- 770</p>
<p>SAT IIs to be taken -- Math 2</p>
<p>GPA (unweighted)--3.80/4.00, top 5% in competitive public school of 500</p>
<p>Extracurriculars--Cross Country, Track, Science club, Robotics club, Science League, French Honor Society, National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, LEOs</p>
<p>Leadership positions-- President of science club, Treasurer of French Honor Society, previous team captain for my school's InvenTeam</p>
<p>Work & Volunteer Experience--internship at private GMP research lab, volunteer at CACA Chinese School, Assistant Instructor for Tae Kwon Do School, volunteer at retirement home</p>
<p>Awards--local and regional science competitions (NJCO, Science Olympiad, etc.)</p>
<p>Applying to for Summer- NIH SIP, Robert Wood Johnson Mini Med School, First Aid Squad, hospital volunteering</p>