Freaking out that my kid WILL get in?

@buuzn03 your post totally made me tear up. That is so going to be me - if god-willing - my kid gets in. For now, I’m going to squeeze my kid extra hard today.
@hellomaisy Happy Birthday to your DS! I truly can’t believe how fast time flies.

Prepx3D is going to spend half of the March break out of the country on a school sponsored trip, and while it will be a great opportunity for her and she will get to do a lot of exciting and academically enriching things…the truth is I am a bit bummed out, because I am going to be missing her for half the break.

I am so excited for her to have the experience, but selfishly I am going to miss her.

@Prepx3 I say they need chaperones on that trip! For DSs second week of spring break, crew has pre-season training. It just so happens to be here in Texas. I emailed the coach & told him I’d be their official limo service!!! He took me up on it! Although, he really had no choice. Lol.