French 5 in Junior Year?

I took Honors French 1-3 in middle school for high school credit, and did French 4 in freshman year. I was unable to take French 5 sophomore year due to scheduling complications. I have heard that colleges prefer to see continuation of a language, and at least two years in high school. The class itself is a waste of time at my school, and I really have no interest in the language. There are numerous science electives unique to my school that I would much prefer to take instead, unless it is needed for applying to some colleges. Do most colleges (the Ivies, UMD, etc) count the years I took the language in middle school for HS credit, or would I have to take French 5 next year to fulfill the “two years in high school” requirement? I am trying to avoid taking it senior year, since it would mean taking an exam that I would otherwise not have to take.

If it shows up on your transcript and you received credit for it, it counts as a high school course. Though you do meet and exceed the minimum requirements, many colleges do like to see you follow through with 5 years of a language if possible, so it would help.

Don’t take Fr 5. Like matt846 said, high school credit is all the same. In addition, universities have their own foreign language requirements which can usually only be satisfied with university courses, AP/IB credit, SAT II tests or fluency tests. If you’re fluent then you’re g2g

You’ve answered your own question.

Regarding French in middle school: at my Ds high school, she took French I in 8th grade, however this did not appear on her HS transcript. She needed two years of foreign language in high school to graduate, so she took French 2 (Frosh), 3 (Soph) and continued now all the way to AP French as a senior. I don’t really know why our district does not count the middle school French I since it is the same curriculum as they teach in the high school. Makes not sense to me! It all depends on how your school district reports this, but you say in your post that your class was for HS credit, so I think you will be OK as stated by @matt846.

My D is going to an Ivy and she had to have 2 years of foreign language in HS on her transcript as a requirement.