Freshman, 16 units doable?

<li>HISTORY 7A: American History </li>
<li>L & S C70U: Discovery Course, something about astronomy</li>
<li>MATH 1A: w borcherds, I've taken AP but want to review</li>
<li>PHILOS 12A: introduction to logics.</li>

<p>is this doable?
...too light?
...too heavy?</p>

<p>and anybody know how hard the discovery courses are?</p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>While I generally side with the 13 units camp for first semester loads, this one doesn’t look that demanding and at least in my opinion should be fine.</p>

<p>it is doable. 16 units your first semester is completely doable. I really don’t understand CalSO likes to scare people about this. 16 units isn’t that big of a problem unless you can from an underperforming high school or were “weak” on academics in high school, etc.</p>

<p>Discovery courses are generally considered to be fairly easy, as their point is to enlighten you about different disciplines and not to scare you away from them</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Oh, what if I take Math1B instead of Math1A?
I got 5 in CalcAB…</p>

<p>would it be doable?
I’ve never done Calc BC stuff before… (ex. series… and other crap)</p>

<p>Or should I just take 1A as a GPA booster course?..</p>

<p>What major(s) are you contemplating? The answer about the math course depends on that as well as whether you are one of the many pre-med students.</p>

<p>Med schools want to see the calc classes taken, whether or not you took AP in HS. </p>

<p>Your AP score would get you credit for 1A for most majors. </p>

<p>However, you might not even want to take 1A. If you are pretty sure you will be a social sciences major, not an engineering, economics or similar major that needs more mathematics prowess, then Math 16A is the easier alternative, even more likely to give you a GPA boost. </p>

<p>What is your need to take math, in other words. That will help trigger more useful help.</p>

<p>I am a prospective math major lol
then I should take 1A, right? thanks! XD</p>

<p>Math 1A is not a GPA booster. I have many friends in high school who took Calc AB and BC and got 5’s on both still not get an A in 1A (with Professor Hald, don’t know if he’s teaching it this semester).</p>

<p>Borcherds is generally considered a GPA booster, though. Have you looked at his lower-div GPA breakdown?! I think for 1A it was about 50% A, 50% B…</p>

<p>Seems like a good schedule. It’s not too difficult as you adjust to Berkeley, but will definitely keep you busy enough so you don’t get shocked when you have to take a real courseload. Very good.</p>

<p>Does 14 units leave people with a good amount of free time to do work study, do an intramural, join a club or two, explore the city once in a while?</p>

<p>Leftist: I think they recommend 13 units for people taking rigorous science classes like Chemistry and Physics that require a lot of work.</p>

<p>If you feel like you totally absolutely don’t know 1A stuff, then you should consider taking it, but else, just take 1B.</p>