Freshman Course Recommendations

<p>I know it's a bit early for this, but I had a quick question about which courses I can/should register for when the time comes. Specifically, I plan to major in Bio as a Foote Fellow and I was wondering if it is recommended/allowed to take my AP credit (5) for Bio 150-1 and 160-1. I've heard some colleges allow students to skip these first tier courses of the major but I've heard others make their students take all the courses listed in the major. </p>

<p>Also, if I were to do well on my upcoming AP Chem exam, is it recommended to go straight into Organic, or should I begin on the Chem 111-114 track. I'm really just looking for some feedback from current students or parents on the matter.</p>


<p>I would definitely take advantage of taking the credit for the intro bio courses. I also received a 5 on the bio exam, and as a result I was able to get both Genetics and Cellular and Molecular Biology out of the way this semester, so I can take the more interesting courses earlier (also really helps if you plan on adding a second or third major). As for AP Chem, since you are taking it this year as opposed to a few years ago, like I did, you should be fine going straight into Organic; however, I would wait until at least second semester freshman year to take Orgo I. I made the mistake of taking it my first semester freshman year, and it was the biggest wake-up call of my life. Higher level college science classes are completely different from high school AP classes in terms of intensity, and having that first semester to transition and get your bearings is huge, something I wish I had done. However, if you do feel like you can handle Orgo your first semester, it is doable; I was able to squeeze out a B- in the course despite bombing my first exam (this coming from someone who had a 4.0 in high school).</p>

<p>My S is finishing his second year at Miami.- premed track. He got a 5 on AP Bio and Chem tests. After talking with the premed advisor, he opted to take the first Biology course and lab, but used his AP credits to exempt out of the 2nd Bio course/lab. He took both Chem classes/labs ( honors sections). He was well prepared for organic chemistry. I suggest talking with the premed advisor- Dr. Gaines. Unless you enter the Prism program, it will be your decision if you want to take the intro Bio and Chem classes and forgo the AP credits.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the advice. Can’t wait for next year.</p>