Freshmen registration/AP credits for premeds

<p>With a 5 in AP Bio and Chem, in the transcript section of myUM, it shows that you have taken the equivalent freshman beginning coursework (4 on AP will show that you have completed the 1st semester). Here is my question: </p>

<li><p>Does that mean you cannot begin with Chem 111 and have to start with Chem 112 or do you suggest taking Chem 111 again to make sure that you have a good grounding?</p></li>
<li><p>We were told that the courses transfer in with a letter grade but did not see it. Did anyone else hear this also?</p></li>
<li><p>With a 5 on the AP, one can enroll in sophomore courses, right? In the case of Bio, Genetics, Molecular Bio, etc...</p></li>

<li>I transferred in 18 credits of AP and I didn’t receive any grade for them. My Dual Enrollment credits carried their grades over, but none of the APs did. So I’m thinking that no, you get credit for the course but no grade attached.</li>

<p>My S also got a 5 on his AP Bio and AP Chem exams. This would give him Miami credit for BIL 150,151,160,161 and CHM 111,112,113,114. However, after much investigation, he decided against using these AP scores. As a pre-med, many people advised him to take the beginning Bio and Chem classes in college as the AP bio/chem classes in high school don’t cover all the material that is needed as the foundation for upper level bio/chem classes. I believe if you do use your AP scores, you cannot take these beginning level classes .</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. We have an older child who is a junior at another university and that school only gives “elective” credits for AP classes so it only helps toward gen ed requirements. Do all premeds need Eng courses or does the 5 on the AP works?</p>

<p>@krug yes! i heard that too about getting grades for AP exams! did you by chance hear this during an online chat for scholarship students?</p>

<p>For the Stamps/Singer scholarship chat, that’s what I remembered we were told!</p>