<p>So, I've been doing some research on which classes to take for ERC GEs, as well as for my fall schedule, and I was hoping to get some feedback.</p>
<p>My AP Scores are, 5 in AP Gov, 5 in APUSH, 4 in AP literature/language, 4 in AP Bio, 4 in AP Euro, 4 in AP Calc AB, 2 in AP Chemistry</p>
<p>In ERC, I have to take 2 fine arts classes, 1 nonwestern;
1 "math" class;
2 foreign language classes since I tested into spanish 1c/cx;
2 regional specialization classes since I get 1 off from AP Euro,
and 6 MMW courses</p>
<p>For MMW, I was wondering if anyone had teacher commendations, so far I've heard that Nancy Friedlander was very good.</p>
<p>For language, I couldn't find Spanish 1c/cx on the class list for Fall so far, so I was wondering if it might only be offered in the 3rd quarter, since its the 3rd class in the series.</p>
<p>For fine arts, nonwestern, I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations, since I haven't been able to learn anything about either Mus13as, or Vis1A on the forums.</p>
<p>For fine arts, western, I was wondering if anyone had taken gospel choir, and if it was a good experience or not, and if there were any other recommendations for good classes.</p>
<p>For "math", if I was planning to double major in economics and political science, so I was wondering if I had to take both math 20a and a math class that is for non-science majors as well.</p>
<p>For Fall 09, I was planning to take MMW1, Fine Arts A and B, and a "math" class, if anyone could offer feedback on that, it would be helpful.</p>