Freshman nursing major?

<p>I've decided to major in nursing at a local college and get my AAS and then transfer to get my other degrees. My question is, I enrolled in 18 hours. My school(northern Oklahoma) has a suggested course path and it said 18 hours for the first semester. Is that too many? My schedule is
M- general bio, general psych, general bio lab, physical ed
T- freshman orientation, nursing fundamentals, nursing fundamental practicum
W- general bio, general psych, phys Ed
TH- nursing fundamentals, nursing fundamentals practicum
F- bio and psych. </p>

<p>I made a 24 on my act. A 3.0 in high school. Finished HS a semester early. Did typical classes with the exception I took ap English senior year and ap chemistry jr year. I'm really scared this will be too much. My phys Ed class is only until October 10 so that will eliminate a class.</p>

<p>Phys Ed should not require a lot of effort outside of showing up. Freshman Orientation is generally not a huge outlay of time either, so really you are taking Bio, Psy, and Nursing fundamentals…I think you will be fine.</p>

<p>I took 17 credits my first semester (freshman year) and it was manageable. Nursing prereqs aren’t too hard, except for the science classes. Although, I am confused on the nursing fundamentals. At my school that is a first year nursing class (when you are in the program).</p>

<p>Ironically, I am at a nursing school in Oklahoma, too! :o)</p>

<p>Take a look at the whole curriculum. If one semester looks particularly tough, you might ease the burden by taking one of those classes online during the summer, if they let you.</p>