Freshman orientation - Fall 2019 Discussion

Has anyone gotten the invite to sign up for freshman orientation yet? At first they said it would come mid March, then early April but we still have not gotten anything. Getting pressure from work to submit summer vacation days!!!

Not sure (my son is out of town and I think the invite will go to his email?), but the “Sign Up for Orientation” tab is finally linked to the Hokie Spa sign-in on the First Year Orientation page. Looks like progress. Let us know if it leads to you more info!

We tried logging in through that link but then it gives you a message saying " wait for the email" Haha. Thanks for responding!

Looks close - next few days. They say they send email when opens up.

When was it last year? How about move in dates?

Orientation is 2 consecutive days from July 8 to August 2. Once you get the invite to sign up you can pick your 2 days. 2 years ago orientation signups were in March but they seem to be behind unless anyone has gotten theirs?

Move in days are August 21 22 23. You pick a day. At least that is how it was last year.

Ok. Thanks.

My memory might be off, but I think last year it was later in April when orientation date selection opened up.

Move in started Wed and went through the weekend, unless your student is in an LLC that has permission to move in early, or is signed up to be a Hokie Helper. Some LLC’s required move in on Wed. It’s reasonably controlled chaos. There are campus wide activities for the kids every day/night. Be prepared for a little hotel sticker shock if you are staying overnight before or after move in.

Orientation went up for several majors today (not all have sent out emails letting people know yet).

You can check at link below to see if your major has dates yet (business and engineering do).

Try to sign up and if can get to the select dates section then you can pick orientation date. If you can’t get as far as the dates section don’t worry - just means your department hasn’t posted dates yet (but should in next few days so check back).

Yes, the invites have come out today via email

All dept. haven’t sent emails yet - my son is business major and hasn’t received email but we signed him up anyhow.

Thanks to all who responded. My child did get the email last night!

Interestingly it showed 18 total spots open over 4 weeks. This is for the music major so I’m thinking there are 18 incoming freshmen music majors.

I wouldn’t think it would hurt to do a visit and speak to an admissions councilor. However, they probably have people pre-lined up on a list for each department to pull from as they get declines or post 5-1 decision day.

Last year people who were waitlisted got acceptances as early as April 26th, maybe they will do that again this year.

I would imagine they have started collecting a good bit of declines by now …. shouldn’t be long before waitlist acceptances start. But the flood will come in a few weeks.

@LittleLiam See #4 on the link below:

My son declined his offer so hoping someone can benefit. Good luck.

@cbl1 Do you have any information to support your imagination? I like it and hope it would turn out to be true. So the waitlisters can get a chance.

Well …. if students are polite they let them know after they have accepted at another college. So you have thousands by now that I’m sure have declined their offer. However, the deadline is 5/1 …. so after 5/1 all those that haven’t responded to VT are assumed declines … so that’s when waitlist will really start to pop. As of right now they are primarily focusing on number of acceptances. So after 5/1 they will know the total acceptances and know how many spots they have in each college. Then its just a matter of your not on some grand waitlist. There are multiple waitlists for each department and then it just depends on how many acceptances that department received.

That’s why there is no master waitlist - like hey your #50 out of 3000 on waitlist. You may be #20 on a list for your department that may only end up with 15 spaces to fill. That where you start seeing strange acceptances off waitlist. Say you have a 4.1 GPA and are on the waitlist for business. There is another person who has a 3.7 and on waitlist for History. They may not get many acceptances in the History department and the 3.7 student just got accepted off their list and the 4.1 student still hasn’t heard anything.

It goes to show acceptance off the waitlist is completely unpredictable as you never know where you stand on the departments list and how many acceptances that particular department is going to have.

In example above - say your #2 on the waitlist for the business department and they have budgeted out having 2000 freshman and offered to 4000 assuming they will have 50% acceptance rate. They get 2500 acceptances - not a single business major then would get off waiting list. Then the history department budgeted 500 freshman and offered to 1000 assuming a 50% acceptance rate. Only 400 accept - so a huge 100 students on the waiting list get in.

It’s all projections based off prior results that can be completely flawed from year to year. In my opinion, they had a large acceptance rate a few years ago that pushed their enrollment up more than they planned. They had to scramble to get enough dorm rooms for all the accepted students. Therefore, I would assume in the past 2 years they have been a little more conservative in their acceptances (meaing probably a slightly better chance for waitlist students).

@cbl1 Thank you for the good analysis. What about those waitlisters with undecided department/major?