Freshman Orientation

<p>Quick question-Do freshman have to stay in the dorms during freshamn orientation or can they stay with family at the hotels. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Not sure, but you should stay in the dorms either way. It’s more fun that way.</p>

<p>They don’t HAVE to.</p>

<p>Stay in the dorm… make that first step towards independence. I don’t know anyone who didn’t stay in the dorms.</p>

<p>You don’t have to sleep in the dorm, but then you would be missing the point of getting used to the college life. Unless you’re planning on ditching your roommate and sleeping in a hotel for the entire year…</p>

<p>You can sleep in a hotel if you want. I’d say it depends on how tired you are. If you’re exhausted you’re better off sleeping in a nice air-conditioned and furnished hotel. Otherwise you can screw around with some people in the dorms until 3AM. I don’t think staying overnight in the dorm gives an accurate impression of dorm life, since you’re probably not going to have much more than a fan and a book when you go down for orientation.</p>

<p>He did not stay in the dorm and was non the worse for it-in fact quite a few did not. The students who did looked pretty worn out the next day due to the heat. The orientation was very thorough and informative-great job!</p>

<p>My son stayed in the dorm, and had an absolute BLAST. He met tons of new friends, and is even more excited about move-in day now. He had a fan, which he said did a great job of cooling off the room. I stayed in a B&B, he was with me the first night, and did the dorm stay the 2nd. Why would a kid NOT want to do this??</p>

<p>Can’t say the experience was the same for me. For the dorm, I only talked to one guy, and I can’t seem to remember his name. :/</p>

<p>Not staying in the dorm isn’t going to be terrible or anything. To be honest I never hung out with anyone I met at orientation again. It was just a lot of fun at the time, so if you want to have a lot of fun at the time stay in the dorm.</p>

<p>I really think it depends on personality. I most definitely would have stayed in the dorms, my husband-most likely not. We respect our son’s personality and choices. He is over the moon about Tech and wants to leave yesterday and am quite sure he will not be home till Thanksgiving-he just preferred not staying in the dorm for that one night.</p>