Freshman Premed

<p>Hey there. I was wondering when we get to choose our courses? Also, what courses should I choose? I have a general idea of a few courses that I'd like to take, but as a premed what courses should I be looking at Freshman year?</p>


<p>Frosh Chem
Frosh Eng
Calc 1

<p>Here is a link to the 08/09 UM Premedical Student Guidlelines booklet. There is a lot of info included and suggested schedules. Course selection is done via mail in the summer and then you meet with your advisor during orientation to go over your final schedule and make any changes.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>my recommendation is to take Chem first (and not the chem/bio track), since many Bio cellular functions are chem based and the prior knowledge is helpful. Plus, if you get C's in chem, you can change your focus to something else.</p>