I am an incoming freshman, and I will not be able to volunteer at medical hospitals due to my age, and wanted to use this time to get some research experience. I was hoping that I would be able to get into a research lab during my second semester. What are some tips or advice to help me get into a research lab?
If you look up “Ohio state buckeye blog,” there are many students who write about life at Ohio state. There was one girl(forget her name) who recently wrote about starting research in her second semester of freshman year and continuing over summer. I recommend you look it up. She said that to start she had to take a quick class because most freshman won’t know what they’re doing in the lab.
As a freshman it is highly unlikely that you will be able to enter a research group. They are normally staffed by post-docs, Phd students, a few MS students and the occasional upperclass undergrad. However, OSU encourages undergraduate research and once you find an area that interests you, you need to find a faculty advisor for your project. see the attached link to help you. http://undergraduateresearch.osu.edu/getstarted/involved.html