<p>Rising sophomores, rate your first year experience with a brief overview of how first year went for you. </p>
<p>I'll do mines later.</p>
<p>Rising sophomores, rate your first year experience with a brief overview of how first year went for you. </p>
<p>I'll do mines later.</p>
<p>5.5-6/10. It could had been better. I wish I was more active on campus and made more friends, but Im a shy person so I did as best as I could. I also wish I went to at least one party/club, but at least I went to a concert which was a first for me. Overall, not bad. I made some cool friends, did well in my classes, and I love my school, the city, and my church. Oh well, there’s always next year.</p>
<p>totally saw the church thing coming</p>
<p>11/10. It was the best experience of my entire life. I met amazing people, partied almost every weekend (which is exactly what I wanted out of college in all honesty), learned a lot inside the classroom and out, tried things I never thought I would and loved them, and had a chance to strike out on my own. It was everything I expected out of college and so much more that I never thought possible - better than a movie. I could have been more active on campus though, perhaps I’ll try that next year.</p>
<p>5/10. Hopefully next year when I transfer to UCONN, it’ll be waaay better.</p>
<p>I had a lot of good experiences, but they were partially overshadowed by all the racism I faced at my school.<br>
I didn’t make more than 2-3 friends, but then again…I didn’t join any clubs or anything. I went clubbing maybe 5 times and got roofied twice.<br>
Can’t wait to transfer.</p>
<p>It was totes awesome. Roommate and I clicked pretty well (we were pretty much the same person). We were both clean, hard-working, listened to the same music, and had different class schedules so I had a lot of alone time. The classes were okay but I didn’t really come to college to be inspired by professors. The freshmen dorms were next to the stadium and basketball court. I went to a lot tailgates and games. The food in the freshmen dining commons was insanely cheap and good with a lot of variety. I rushed a frat the first semester and never drank or Frated so much in my life. I hooked up with a couple girls and went to a lot different parties like toga parties and beer slides and etc…</p>
<p>I went to Spring break with 12 of my frat bros and I swear I had the most intense fun in my life. The drinks there were insanely cheap without including happy hour. I went to the casino and strip clubs for the first time. I actually left the casino with more pesos than I went in with. At Spring break there were so many cougars that were prowling for dick. </p>
<p>I went to a leadership conference sponsored by my frat where I learned a lot of great life lessons from millionaire and billionaire alumni. I got elected and accepted for leadership positions in my frat that I’m pretty excited to take part in this coming semester. </p>
<p>I finished school with over a B+ish gpa. I found a major that I feel like I want to major in. There’s a lot more that I can’t think of right now but basically this past year was a blur.</p>
<p>I made maybe 3 best friends and a handful of good friends, though I wish I made more friends from my classes and outside of my floor. Academically I did very well and am on course to do better. I need to get involved more in campus life and make more friends that are girls.</p>
<p>2.5/10. I learned quite a bit and got a good GPA, but I didn’t establish any more than superficial friendships and I spent most of the year alone and more depressed than ever. I also lost any remaining vestige of self-confidence that I had and lost like 40 pounds and became weak and sickly for no reason. My roommate also hated me and abandoned me halfway through the first semester. </p>
<p>(well, you asked :P)</p>
<p>5/10. I made some close friends, but also made a lot of fake ones that I honestly hate now. Lots of drama that still is somewhat going on. Didn’t get involved. Got C’s in my math classes (I’m premed so that’s a huge deal). I got along with my roommates though; I’m really close with one but the other gets on my nerves but she doesn’t see that. It could’ve been a lot better. I’m shy around people I don’t know so that didn’t help. And I go to UF, and it’s extremely cliquey here, esp when it comes to a lot of people sticking to their friends from high school, also extremely annoying.</p>
<p>8/10: I finished off with a 4.0, I also got involved in research and I’m now going to be a TA! I also went to a few parties, and had lots of fun overall! </p>
<p>My only issue was with my friends: I had a major falling out with them during spring semester. I’ve made some new ones, but I hope they work out. I also wish I got a bit more involved in student clubs, but I guess that’s what next semester’s for.</p>
<p>I joined clubs, tried to participate, was nice to everyone, but all in all i got the same reaction from people: looking down on me like I was just some piece of crap. I really tried though, and there were some things I could have done better, but in the end I realized it was the school’s community I didn’t fit into, and that a bigger school would offer a bit more diversity. I’ve never had a harder time making friends then I did at this place. It sucked majorly. </p>
<p>Besides, now i’m joining one of the best marching bands in the country! I already have a feeling my new school will be so much better! :D</p>
<p>The 3 points in really a 3/3 for some of the teachers i had, they were great.</p>
<p>I have a solid group of friends in my dorm who I like hanging out with, I met my boyfriend this year, and I have taken some amazing classes. I also joined my sorority, got involved in a few clubs, and got accepted to an awesome summer program through my school. However, I wish I had declared my major earlier so I wouldn’t have been so confused all year. I also should have joined a few more clubs that are relevant to my career interests. My roommate and I were totally incompatible so that also brought me down throughout the year. This year was okay, here’s hoping next year will be better!</p>
<p>I didn’t like my school at all and was planning to transfer from the moment I got there, so that kinda made the experience seem a little less fun. Didn’t party too much and I didn’t get along with my roomate. The administration took forever to get students there financial aid and they take forever to send transcripts. The teachers however were just wonderful and I met a girl that I now count among my best friends. Overall it wasn’t great, in fact it was pretty bad, but I think that next year when i’m where i want to be i’ll have more fun.</p>