<p>I’m wondering what the difference is between the freshman seminar section of a class like culture and human experience, and the other sections not listed as such. D needs to do some schedule switching and the seminar she is currently registered for conflicts with the time of another class she’s like to add. </p>
<p>Would dropping a freshman seminar section for a section with professor Ramos or McCracken be a bad thing?</p>
<p>I’m assuming that you are talking about IHP 105/155. In reality, I don’t see a reason to take a freshman section (IHP 155) if it’s not available. IHP 105 has almost exactly the same syllabus and the only significant difference between the two is that non-freshmen can take IHP 105.</p>
<p>While I have had neither instructor that you’ve mentioned, IHP instructors are generally very good.</p>
<p>That’s just the information I needed. Many thanks, Sea_tide.</p>