Freshman Stats

<p>Last year at this time everyone was buzzing about ACT, SAT, and GPAs. I though it would be interesting to post current stats for my DS after 3 weeks on campus.</p>

<p>Meal Plan Usage: 2 used / 158 left
Dining Dollars: $5 used / $295 left
Bama Cash: $8 used for Laundry/ $42 left<br>
Phone Calls home: 2</p>

<p>I wonder what/where he is eating??? LOL.</p>

<p>I do have to admit I love being able to see what D is up to by checking her action card account. She apparently enjoys the dining halls, as she’s down to 134 meals. At least you know your son is doing laundry :)</p>

<p>That’s great that your daughter is using her meals, Rose. I wish lil bro had used all of his last year. Shame seeing them go to waste especially when you’re paying almost $9 per for them.</p>

<p>Wake, I’d give your son a call and tell him to stop spending cash and start using his meal plan. The 2 calls home in 3 weeks isn’t bad though. That’s probably as many as lil bro will call home all year. He does text message a lot though.</p>

<p>Wake210: sounds like your S is on the same eating plan that my D was last year :slight_smile: Thank goodness there’s that Publix on campus…</p>

<p>Meal Plan - none.
Dining Dollars used so far - 50.
I need to start packing my lunches again…</p>

<p>As a Junior:</p>

<p>Meal Plan- none
Dining Dollars Used: 9 (lunch at Bryant)
Bama Cash Used: $5.50; 5.00 for laundry and 0.50 for printing</p>

<p>Real students could jump in here but it seemed my son liked the late night dinners at Lakeside when he was on the meal plan…don’t know if ‘new’ students have considered that but often a crowd would get together to go…</p>