Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

I think the OP knows everyone is well-meaning, even if the feedback got a bit repetitive and intense at times. I was another who cautioned against two lab sciences first semester and a lighter schedule in general.

From the various scenarios shared, it’s obvious different schools have different philosophies. At my premed kid’s school, they required an easier first semester with only one lab science (unless one got an override). After that, multiple lab sciences in a semester were allowed. But NEU has a different approach and they have many many successful graduates so the OP should take that into consideration. However, trust but verify… and advocate for one’s unique situation, right?

OP, you’ve got this! I can’t wait to hear about your first semester!


Same here…and some took calculus as well.

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Thank you! I’m super excited for first semester. I’ll keep everyone posted in terms of final schedule, but it should be alright once I drop one ENGL course and do an art class or such, or even if I just drop an English class. Although considering that the ENG 1000 (overview class) is a 1x/wk P/F class, I’m technically doing 2 English classes anyways. Which means I may not drop, or I may, depending on what my advisor says. /happily, thoughtful


I am not understanding - I had impression that taking a lighter course load, as permitted? encouraged? by Northeastern’s Disability Resource Center , was a needed accommodation??

Taking 18 or 19 credits does not make sense to me if there is a disability that is better managed by taking a lighter course load.


I’m choosing not to do the reduced courseload even though I have the option to as a disability accommodation, however, my premed advisor has said I should take off an English class. Since my academic advisor is out of office right now, I’m waiting to hear what she says in terms of removing a class from my schedule, which would make things more doable. Given that my ENG 1000 class isn’t even a class I should be worried about (in terms of the fact that it’s a P/F class), there’s technically 2 English classes I’m taking. In any case, I’m not touching my schedule until I hear from my academic advisor next week. I hope that helps clear things up! /warmly, explaining

Absolutely yes, some of the pressure to take multiple premed classes comes from op’s decision to have all the premed requirements complete by the end of junior year. Kids taking a gap year can spread the premed requirements over four years instead of three.

The plan for pre meds taking a gap year at my dd’s school is only chem as a full year class freshman year and calculus in the spring, although she was told that was flexible and only had to be taken before physics. Biology majors also have to take biology first year.

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Thanks for the update!

Aren’t there some non-science pre-med requirements, too, @WayOutWestMom? Some psychology and sociology classes, for instance? I could envision a schedule that might look something like this:

English (1) P/F class
English (4) class…I’d think the writing one, but the lit one would be fine, too
Chem w/lab (5) class
Psychology or sociology pre-med class (4)

That would get you 14 credit hours with 2 classes for your major and 2 classes for pre-med requirements, without necessitating you taking two labs in the first semester of your freshman year. It will also help you use a different part of your brain rather than only doing English & science.

If you’re really desperate to do more classes, then I would add on French (4 credits) for a total of 18 credit hours, since you think French will be an easier class for you.



Introductory level psychology and sociology are recommended pre-med courses, but aren’t necessarily required pre-med courses. Some med schools require social science classes; some don’t.

But topics in behavioral biology, psych and soc do have their own section on the MCAT.


Thank you for the suggestion!! I will speak to my academic advisor once she is back next week. I still think they’ll ask me to do the two labs, but let’s see. /thoughtful

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Are you considering working with the learning difference program?
“The LDP model is designed to support the academic development and achievement of students with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders. The LDP best serves students who can engage in a collaborative process to set and take action toward their goals and who are committed to using individualized support to becoming more effective learners.

Specialists work with students to set the agenda for their LDP sessions. LDP sessions can include targeted instruction and support in developing:


I have heard of it, but I don’t know whether I’d use it or not. I already have a decent amount of accommodations through the DRC. /sighing

Recommend using your accommodations for the first semester so you can develop good habits for success in your studies, build confidence, & have some fun.
Good luck! That’s all I’ve got. Happy Fourth! Let’s all take a break :us::grinning: and count our blessings.


Thank you! I’m definitely using most if not all of my accommodations! /warmly

Forgive me for being so blunt, but the advisors are nuts. Two premed sciences plus two labs plus two major classes is crazy. It is not a race. You can do orgo over the summer at a state college. You can finish up the premeds post bac. You have to max the likelihood of success in your first semester. Two premeds with labs in the first semester wont do that for you!


I agree. Years ago, I took bio with lab in my first semester as my only science. I also took other general ed requirements that I would have to take no matter what. I took my two semesters of physics at home at my state university. Made the premed classes bearable.

I’ll have to wait to see what my academic advisor says about dropping an English course (i don’t hear back til next week)- otherwise, I mean, I’m sure I can work something out. I’ll be sure to update y’all when I hear back from her next week. /sighing, thinking

EDIT: I want to point out that there is a lot of support I’ll be receiving and I’m optimistic I’ll be able to handle my courseload. After all, the ENG 1000 is P/F, so it’s not a class to worry about. And my English classes won’t be much of a worry, hopefully, so it’s just my science classes that will be the focal ones. /musing, thoughtful

It is the doubling up on sciences that is the issuepluus too many classes


I get that, but it seems to be the recommended thing. I don’t believe I could change that, but I’ll ask my academic advisor again next week. /sighing

I’m perfectly happy with my courseload, regardless of if i drop a course, but dropping an English class would be nice. /happily

I mean, I’m doing the prep work, and I will ask them to see if an ENGL course can be dropped. But until I hear back, talk to some people, and update y’all, please wait! I’ll have some answers soon. /warmly; a little exhausted

I think it’s recommended based on your desire to go straight to medical school, and applying after completion of your junior year.

Many go at a slower pace to successfully complete all of the requirements, take one or more gap years for mcats, volunteering, etc, but that is not what you want to do…at least right now.


using this lil message to say I’m hopping off CC for the rest of the summer barring anything huge. i’m super excited (and a bit nervous) for what’s to come. here’s to freshman year starting, i guess. y’all take care of yourselves, and i’ll be back soon <3 /happily

-your favorite CC college freshman