Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

Hi guys! I’m still around, just traveling (and jet lagged.) move in is in 3 weeks, so I’m definitely getting really excited! I ordered my mini fridge in advance and otherwise, that’s all I have to really update you guys on! see you in a few weeks! /excited, happily


also!! as I’m traveling, been thinking about move in and college since move in is 3 weeks out. (I know, I know.) but if there’s any first day college stories or advice you’ve got in general, I’d love to hear it over these weeks! otherwise, you won’t find me around CC until I’m in my dorm. see y’all soon! /warmly, happily

P.S: take care of yourselves!!

I haven’t read the thread, but this might have some helpful advice for you: The Do's and Don'ts of Packing for College

I’ve not used one, but I’ve heard good things about people using personal neck fans to deal with some of the summer’s extreme heat. As you’ll be lugging all your stuff around and dealing with crowds of others doing the same, I could see the benefits of having one. Here is one example from Amazon.

Enjoy your travels and the rest of your summer!


While I think the fan is a cool idea - no pun intended - I can’t think of many better ways to have further embarrassed my kid at drop off than by giving him one, or worse yet, wearing one myself.


My first thought on reading that was, nothing says menopausal hot flashes like a personal neck fan lol

But at the same time, I am a big fan (wum wum wum) of practical solutions to problems and I’m sure a neck fan does the trick in the heat.


Y’all cracked me up! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Though I will say the biggest enthusiast about those fans that I’ve met was a man in his late 30s or early 40s. Don’t think menopause was his problem!

/Smiling and chuckling

Perhaps the temperature outside will cause variations in reactions. If there’s an extreme heat advisory out, there might be a lot of jealous folks! If not, maybe OP will be giving his parents the side eye. :wink:


I definitely don’t know about the fan, but I’ve got a small one in my home bedroom anyways so I might take that. Any stories or advice you’ve got? /chuckling

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Take less clothing and stuff than you think you will need. Your parents home is nearby, and dorm rooms are small.


Not much of a story, but be prepared to use the stairs or add LOOOOOOOOOONG waits for any elevators that may be available in the dorm. If you’re on the first floor of someplace, give many, many thanks! My dorm freshman year didn’t have elevators (I was on the third floor), and sophomore and senior years I was in a dorm that had 1 elevator per wing (5-floors). The wait was always forever long for the elevators so that it was just easier to walk up to the 4th floor with my belongings. Alternatively, the best option is to move in early or late. Not early or late that day, but before the official “move-in” day or a couple of days after “move-in” day. But as a first year, if you can’t move-in early, I wouldn’t move-in late, as those initial social bonds will probably start to be built day one. But after freshman year? If you can’t move in early, move in late.

/Sincere & reminiscing


I’ve got one of the earliest move in dates, at quite an early time (9am), and I’m on the 3rd floor of my dorm building, so hopefully it shouldn’t be too bad! I think the building has elevators, so I’ll see how it goes. Although waking up early for move-in isn’t my jam. /grinning


Okay mini update since I have too many interests and decided to deviate slightly from the French minor- since my degree will be a BA in English, I’m going to take French classes anyways to fulfill my language requirement (yay!) and do the religious studies minor I was on the fence about for awhile. All in all, I get to do pretty much most everything I’m interested in! /happily


Is Modernstate that good? Maybe I am missing something. My son did it as a prep for some CLEP. He passed CLEP from the first attempt for all subjects that he tried but he did not try hard science (he did CS, Econ, Humanities -the one that gives 6 credits). He always passed CLEP just above minimum requirement. We used it mostly because of voucher for CLEP. I did not get an impression that Modernstate is an excellent prep tool. Just OK tool to get a check mark for GED but not enough to master the material. Is Khan academy better for Chem, Bio? Khan even has Org Chem.

Yes, you are right, it is best for clep credit. But for the student in this thread, the purpose was to prepare them to take the college course at northeastern.

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I get it. But my question is Modernstate sufficient for review or not? I am truly not sure since I do not have experience with science with it. I am questioning this for my premed DD who will have some minor gap between classes she previously took and would need some review for Bio and Physics.

Adding on to the mini update- the Chemistry Department has strongly recommended that I take Chem 1211 (two-semester sequence instead of the Chem 1161 accelerated class. So I’m taking their advice and I’ve already emailed my advisors today about it- I should hear back by Wednesday, hopefully. I’ll keep you guys updated, but I should be switching to Chem 1211! /warmly


Does this fulfill premed requirement?

Yup it does! Here’s the full list-


What classes are you taking this semester?

I vaguely recall having seen a list of the specific course numbers for premeds. For instance, physics for poets and business calc wouldnt qualify. I thought that the 2 semester sequence gen chem didnt satisfy prereq for organic, but now i cant find it online.

No but I think it satisfies the general chemistry requirement. Orgo would be in addition to this.

IIRC this poster was originally going to take a one semester general chemistry course followed by a one semester orgo course.