Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

I listed them up awhile back, but I’m taking ENG 1400 (Intro to Lit Studies), ENG 1000 (department course, pass/fail class), ENG 1111 (first year writing seminar), Bio 1107 + 1108 (General Bio w/Lab), and now pending Chem 1211 since I’m currently signed up for Chem 1161. But yeah, those are the classes I’m taking! /warmly

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I put a screenshot up on my previous post with all the requirements if that’s helpful /warmly

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Yeah, it satisfies the general chem requirement, and I’m definitely going to listen to the Chem Department on this one /adding on


How did they make their recommendation? Off a placement exam ?

It’s good they slowed you down - as long as it meets the requirements for what you want to accomplish.

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Make sure that this sequence satisfies the prereq for organic chem. “Trust, but verify.” I am assuming that it comes with lab, too.

So two English plus the overview class, and two sciences, presumably both with lab. A hefty but not insurmountable load.

I don’t see a Chem 1121 listed in the course catalog (only see 2022-23 catalog not 2023-24), or Banner for Fall 2023 Semester.

Do you mean Chem 1211, not 1121? Then second semester you would take Chem 1214?( 1214 does satisfy orgo chem 1 pre-req)

cough yes, I made a typo. Hazard of the trade when you’re me, but yes. Chem 1211. That’s the one. /sheepish

EDIT: I edited the previous posts to have the correct number for the class. It’s Chem 1211 + Chem 1214 for further reference.

Yes, a placement exam plus the Ramp up Chem class. /warmly

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Yup, basically! Still waiting on the Chem 1211/1214 switch, but yes! /warmly

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You will have two labs, yes?

What are your current chosen majors and minors?

My only free advice is…make sure you are in close contact with the health careers advising at NEU.


Yup! I still have to see how my schedule will look after they switch me to Chem 1211, but yes, two labs. /sheepish

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English (major), will be taking French classes for my language requirement (since the degree is a BA), and religious studies minor, on premed track. /whew that’s a lot

Thank you. I think one major and one potential minor with the electives you will need to take…sounds like plenty.


Yup! There’s only about 5 classes total for the minor if I’m not mistaken, maybe 6? But I’m just happy I’m able to find what I wanted as well as pursue what I’m interested in. /happily

EDIT- it’s 4 classes for the minor


Best wishes to you as you pursue what you want to do! Don’t forget to take time to explore the campus and make friends. Attending office hours will also be beneficial, but you know that already.

Good luck!


Awww, thank you!! I’m super excited since move in is in like, two weeks. And you know I’ll be attending office hours. /happily


Other small update- the Bio department added me to Ramp Up Biology, but it’s thankfully much shorter with 4 modules, and I should be done with it in a week! /sheepish

I assume this is to help you achieve success in your biology class. When do you do this- now? How did they come to recommend this?

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I just got a DM from a professor in Canvas and then I got added to it on Canvas -and I checked with my study group, bout half got added to it so it was legit. They said it can take 3-4 hours in one day to do, but we should finish it before classes start. /sighing