This is mainly for you guys who are going to attend Tech this fall. It’s going to be a hell of an experience (at least for me)
I knew GT was going to be different, but it was much different than I expected. Academics, are tough and rigorous, and the second semester really pushed me to my intellectual limits. Socially, I was slightly disappointed, greek-life is essential if you want to be partying if you’re a boy, but girls should have no problem getting into parties Friday nights. Fraternity parties aren’t going to be like UGA level, but they have their charm. Most freshman will be either be playing league of legends (nothing wrong with that) or drinking/smoking in their dorms for social leisure. Making friends wasn’t really hard at all, if you join a club/fraternity, you’ve got your social group right there. If you don’t do any clubs or anything, that’s fine as well, just bond with your residence hall friends.
As for me, I experimented socially, hung out with a variety of different people and I really enjoyed myself. Sure, I didn’t get wasted every Friday night like typical college kid, but I made my own fun. Just keep in mind that your number one priority was to learn and get a degree, not have fun.
So my advice to you guys is, don’t get caught up in the tech grind (which too many students let themselves get into, and they end up hating Tech) Experiment a little bit, let yourself go, don’t be afraid to try new things, but keep academics as your main priority.
If you have any questions about freshman life, shoot. I’ll be happy to answer anything.
Thanks @supplysider my D will likely be attending Tech in the fall (she’s still waiting on one wait list decision). Are you in-state or OOS? We’re not from Georgia so we’re trying to get a sense of how it goes for newcomers. Also, sounds like the academics are really really hard…but no surprise, i guess…Tech has a good reputation.
Hello SouthernHope. Newcomers will have similar experiences regardless of whether they are IS/OOS. I am an IS student, majoring in chemical engineering. And depending on your child’s’ major and they way they schedule their classes, the difficulty can be greatly reduced.
I’m an OOS female and I can say I’m so glad I chose Tech! It’s been pretty easy to make friends. I would recommend joining a sorority (even if it’s not something she’s ever considered - Tech sororities aren’t like stereotypical sororities, although the recruitment process isn’t very fun) and clubs. As for the academics, they’re hard but definitely not impossible. I finished my freshman year with a decent GPA, a Women in Engineering scholarship, a leadership award, etc, so distinguishing yourself at Tech is completely manageable. I very much believe that Tech was 100% the right choice for me.
I’d also suggest going to the home football games! I was never much of a football person but the school spirit at these events is amazing. We also had a good season last year and may have a good one again this year.
Hi! I’m attending GT this fall and I’m very excited. However, I’m from Venezuela and in my country we don’t get to choose courses, so I’m not used to it. I’m studying ChemE too so I’d like to know if you have any advice. I’m thinking of taking Calculus I, Biological Principles, Chemical Principles I, English Composition I, Wellness and Elementary German (not sure on what level). Besides of these, I’d like to join the Orchestra. Is it too much? Thanks for your help 
@SuppplySider, you mention reducing academic difficulties by the way you schedule your classes. Can you elaborate on this please?
Hello! I’m planning to apply this August for the class of 2020 for ChemE, and I was wondering how feasible joining the orchestra and taking private lessons on my instrument would be amidst classes? I’m most likely entering with several AP credits and I’m used to balancing a busy schedule, but I have no idea what to expect in college. Also, what is your opinion on the resources in the Chemical Engineering department? I’m looking into many colleges and I’ve only visited University of Illinois Champaign and Purdue so far, and I’m not sure if I can make it out to Georgia until Spring break next year. Thanks!
Also, I just looked into the music program more and discovered the option for a Music Performance Minor. Do you believe it’d be possible as a ChemE? Sorry for all the questions, I just really hope to attend Georgia Tech! Here’s a link w/ course requirements (bottom of the page):
Thanks again!