My school has few course and extra-circular opportunities. So, until I apply to NCSSM, I plan on making the best of things.
Which brings us to our school’s SGA. I’m practically guaranteed a spot on the council since I’m relatively well-known and not too many people run. I would, however, like a better position.
President and VP are both, in essence, popularity contests. Two somewhat motivated, well-known students run and typically get it.
I’ve had this experience before. It’s too tough for someone like me to run and get in, despite having a good campaign.
I am, however, actively yearning to hold at least some sort of position in my school. Secretary or treasurer would be preferable, however, my friend already has her eyes set on secretary. I don’t mind too much, surely the two positions are pretty much equal in rank in a college’s eyes? Correct me if I’m wrong.
Any tips for my campaign? I’m a relatively well-known student, and most people I know consider me pretty smart. So that’s already a good foundation.
I’m planning on sending out posts on instagram regarding my campaign, as well as flyers in-school in addition to my posters.
Also, I am currently volunteering in the library, and because our librarian is so relaxed with us, she’s letting me tack up posters in a couple of places. (Not to mention I’ll have plenty of opportunities to promote myself while working at the checkout counter, wink-wink)
Do I hold a good chance for winning? Do colleges look favorably upon people that hold leadership positions in their school’s SGA? Or is it just another extra-circular on the list?