Friend of Maguo's chances

<p>white male living in south florida
GPA:Unweighted 3.45
Weighted: 4.6
Rank:36/408 in an uncompetitive public school</p>

<p>SAT: 710 M, 610 V, 590 W
AP: Chemistry : 4
Calc AB: 4
World History: 3
Biology: 3
Taking: US gov, Microecon, Phys B, Stat, Psych</p>

<p>EC; NHS (2 years)
Student Council Senator (2 years)
Lacrosse (2 years)
Band (4)
Jazz Band (1)
Spanish Honor Society (2)
MIT Inventeams (1)
Quiz Bowl (2)</p>

<p>Awards: Perfect Attendance
Academic Letter (3)</p>

<p>Volunteer: 120 hrs at Baseball Umpiring, Youth Lacrosse Coach</p>

<p>Applying to U of Florida (ED), NYU, Boston College, U Southern California</p>

<p>What are his chances??</p>

<p>hmm I'd say those are good choices for him, Im sure he's a shoe-in for U of Fl., however Boston College can be a bit competitive (the acceptance rates have been as low as the ivies in the past). Good luck to him.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Uf: 75%
Bc: 15-20%
Nyu: 33%
Usc: 33%</p>