<p>Chinese-German Male (Will Check either Caucasian or Unknown)
Public School in Suburban New York
Income Level: $150,000+
Major: Economics</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA: 94 (3.8) (Trend: 3.6, 3.9, 4.0)
Unweighted Class Rank: Top 9% out of 460</p>
<p>SAT I: 2260 [CR: 740, M: 740, W: 780]
SAT II Chemistry: 780
SAT II World History: 800
SAT II US History: 800
SAT II Math Level Two: Awaiting Score (June), Estimated 750 - 770</p>
<p>12 AP Tests by Graduation (5 Self-Study, 7 Course Offerings) (Most Rigorous Courseload) </p>
<p>ECs: Very demonstrative of passion, and unique relatively (as some of the positions are singular and major nationally, Im assuming such). Major political involvement, professional intern for some campaigns, worked on a national level in a director position for one of the two major political parties, have made presentations to Senators/Military officials, and led lots of debate with politicians (me vs. them, professional and publicized) and campaigns, succeeded in lobbying elected officials to support various bills, and whatnot. I also serve as SG President for my school. I actually received my first patronage job this summer for my contributions to my citys party ($10 an hour, whatever hours I want, automatic job acceptance, not bad.) </p>
<p>*Schools: *</p>
<p>Note: Im applying to an outrageous amount of schools but my counselor recommended it as did others because I have a few potential things that might cause unpredictability in the acceptances, and for various other reasons as well. Ive already finished researching the colleges with my counselor and so these will be the exact ones Ill be applying to. Im not very optimistic about my chances at the competitive schools but nonetheless Im applying in hopes, but Im very happy to go to any of the schools that Ive researched and chosen.</p>
<p>Early Decision: Columbia College of Arts and Sciences
Rolling Decision and Early Action: </p>
<p>University of Chicago
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Pittsburgh
Rutgers at New Brunswick
University of Alabama </p>
<p>Regular Decision (Assuming Rejection from Columbia): </p>
<p>University of Delaware
Georgetown University
John Hopkins University
University of Virginia
American University
George Washington University
Harvard University
Yale University
University of Pennsylvania</p>