From Alabama to New York City...Chance a New Senior!

<p>Chinese-German Male (Will Check either Caucasian or Unknown)
Public School in Suburban New York
Income Level: $150,000+
Major: Economics</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 94 (3.8) (Trend: 3.6, 3.9, 4.0)
Unweighted Class Rank: Top 9% out of 460</p>

<p>SAT I: 2260 [CR: 740, M: 740, W: 780]
SAT II Chemistry: 780
SAT II World History: 800
SAT II US History: 800
SAT II Math Level Two: Awaiting Score (June), Estimated 750 - 770</p>

<p>12 AP Tests by Graduation (5 Self-Study, 7 Course Offerings) (Most Rigorous Courseload) </p>

<p>EC’s: Very demonstrative of passion, and unique relatively (as some of the positions are singular and major nationally, I’m assuming such). Major political involvement, professional intern for some campaigns, worked on a national level in a director position for one of the two major political parties, have made presentations to Senators/Military officials, and led lots of debate with politicians (me vs. them, professional and publicized) and campaigns, succeeded in lobbying elected officials to support various bills, and whatnot. I also serve as SG President for my school. I actually received my first patronage job this summer for my contributions to my city’s party ($10 an hour, whatever hours I want, automatic job acceptance, not bad.) </p>

<p>*Schools: *</p>

<p>Note: I’m applying to an outrageous amount of schools but my counselor recommended it as did others because I have a few potential things that might cause unpredictability in the acceptances, and for various other reasons as well. I’ve already finished researching the colleges with my counselor and so these will be the exact ones I’ll be applying to. I’m not very optimistic about my chances at the competitive schools but nonetheless I’m applying in hopes, but I’m very happy to go to any of the schools that I’ve researched and chosen.</p>

<p>Early Decision: Columbia College of Arts and Sciences
Rolling Decision and Early Action: </p>

<p>University of Chicago
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Pittsburgh
Rutgers at New Brunswick
University of Alabama </p>

<p>Regular Decision (Assuming Rejection from Columbia): </p>

<p>University of Delaware
Georgetown University
John Hopkins University
University of Virginia
American University
George Washington University
Harvard University
Yale University
University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>You have a balance list with several matches and safeties. You know which your reaches are. </p>

<p>I know I'll be flamed for this, but as a common data set kinda girl, I'd retake the SAT because although your total is good, your CR and math being below 1500 won't help you, and given your class rank, you need the boost.</p>

<p>You have a pretty solid SAT score and GPA. 12 APs is amazing (too much, but amazing nonetheless).
Also, just a warning, UMD's Early Action is not an early action. Over 90% of their admits come from that period, so DEFINETELY apply by Dec. 1.
Early Decision/ Action: Columbia will be deffered or rejected. Chicago will be deffered. For the rest, you are in.
For the regular decisions, you are almost definetely in at UD, AU, and GWU. Most likely in at NYU. The rest are hard to say but I will try to predict them. You have a good chance at UVa (albeit being OOS). Good chance/ medium reach at JHU and Georgetown. Chicago and Columbia are medium to high reaches and the Ivies on your list are (sorry to say this) unattainable for you.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the replies!! </p>

<p>So you mean my EC's/demonstrated passion (for politics) won't help me at all really in the admissions process? I'm one of the heads (I may have not made it clear in the ec paragraph, it was a bit messy) of a 15,000+ member national organization too. For that lobbyist group I work for (it's a real lobbyist group, no affiliation with high school whatsoever), I'm the only board member/leader who's in high school. The rest are either attorneys or grad. students.</p>

<p>Do you think I'll get into the Honors Colleges, or get scholarships to the match/safety schools on my list? My dream school is GWU Honors College - can I get in? I'm also going for their 3-3 year Law Degree Program @ GWU too, the admissions officer told me the average SAT score for people going into that is 2100.</p>

<p>Yea now looking over my EC paragraph I noticed I didn't really say any of those two things, but yea I said them now in the post above.</p>

<p>Chinese-German?! Ohmygosh, I dated a Chinese-German guy. You're the only other one I know of (besides his brothers...)</p>

<p>Anyways, I think the people above are being too harsh. I honestly think that you've got a great chance at Columbia if you present yourself well in your essays, etc. Your stats are solid and if you demonstrate passion and show your uniqueness in your apps, I don't see how you could be rejected. Your ECs are impressive because they're not the normal "oh I started this club so I could look like a leader on paper" kind of things; they're unique opportunities that are both impressive and representative of your interests. </p>

<p>The Ivies are a stretch, of course, as they are for anyone -- but you've got tons of great options and I'm sure you'll get into some amazing schools and your real problem will be choosing from among them. xP</p>

<p>Ha thanks :) - yea I understand that I'll prob. be rejected by most of the ivies, but I really do "love my safeties" so I'd be ok generally as long as I get into any of the schools on my list (hopefully with scholarships though at the less high-ranked ones). For example, although obviously I'd hope to go another school on my list besides the University of Alabama, I'd be perfectly happy travelling down to Tusc. and going my 4 years there.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention the awards part too; I got NHS, some department awards and stuff, national merit commended, and Boys State this summer too - I'll prob. be running for State Senator or a state-wide position at Boys State (I'm thinking Party Chairman right now) so we'll see how that works out.</p>

<p>Yea, being German-Chinese is interesting. On some forms when you have to check only one ethnicity (and there's no "none" option), I usually have no idea what to do then lol. Also leads to awkward moments sometimes when people ask "what's your ethnicity?".</p>


<p>Chance me and I'll chance you! (Post your thread)</p>

<p>Early Decision: Columbia College of Arts and Sciences-Ivy so obviously a reach for anyone, but since it's ED I'd say slight reach.
Rolling Decision and Early Action:</p>

<p>University of Chicago- high match/slight reach
University of Maryland at College Park- match
University of Pittsburgh- safety
Rutgers at New Brunswick- safety
University of Alabama (if one in Huntsville)- safety</p>

<p>Regular Decision (Assuming Rejection from Columbia):</p>

<p>University of Delaware-low match
NYU- match
Georgetown University- high match
John Hopkins University- high match
University of Virginia-if not instate, high match. If instate, you're in
American University- low match
George Washington University- low match
Harvard University- reach
Yale University- reach
University of Pennsylvania- reach</p>

<p>When I say reach it's because ivys are reaches for everyone. I think you have a good chance to at least into Columbia though.</p>

<p>dude we will be UVA buds if you and me get in lol. But yea you have pretty sick stats. Good SAT scores. your GPA could get a raise. And do you do any sports??</p>

<p>try running like me, youll find its very rewarding for your body and socially. and if u run cross country, track then you will look even better cause of your ability to stick with goals and stuff.</p>

<p>good look, hope you look into UVA more</p>

<p>I really like UVA too, but since I'm OOS I'm not very optimistic on my chances, but if I got accepted to both an ivy and UVA, it would be a tough choice personally. I have done Cross Country/Track all of high school (I keep forgetting to post these things ugh), and even though I'm not varsity, I try hard. I actually improved my mile time in my freshman year from about 12 minutes (>_<) to about 6 minutes, and now keep on improving. =)</p>

<p>UDel is a low match? I had emailed the admission office and they said that with my stats, their acceptance rate is 100% into their honors program (A GPA with 2250+ SAT).</p>

<p>Also as a side note, I'm still slightly considering between Columbia and NYU for ED. I'll need to visit both a lot more this summer to choose which one for sure for ED. Do you think if I applied to Stern at NYU for ED, for Economics, I'd get in?</p>

<p>Economics isn't in Stern, it's in CAS</p>

<p>Are you sure? The economics major is listed in both the CAS and Stern.</p>

<p>CAS: New</a> York University>Department of Economics
Stern: [url=<a href=""&gt;]Academics[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>You will probably get a full-tuition scholarship at Pitt and be invited to compete for the Chancellor's award, which is a full ride.</p>

<p>Oh sorry, I only took a quick look at NYU's site and I saw that CAS has Economics so I assumed Stern didn't have it.</p>

<p>I'll prob. call the admissions office about it - I hope it's in the CAS dept, since if it's in Stern...I don't think I got a shot lol.</p>

<p>you seem so organized and driven..only those type of people underline and bold on posts</p>

<p>Haha thanks....</p>

<p>B um p</p>

<p>Also, what do you guys think I should put for my ethnicity? When "Mixed" is an option I'll check it, but some college apps. force you to put down a race and don't let me put down "Unknown" or "Not Stated", such as the UMD's which requires a race. Should I put down white? My name is actually a European name and I look European too-ish, so the only way they'd know I'm asian is if I tell them.</p>