From AP bio to SAT ii bio?

<p>i am going to study AP cliffs bio, if i study that well, will i be able to do well on SAT II bio?</p>

<p>I recommend The Blue Book from Collegeboard.</p>

<p>Yes, it only has one SAT II Biology test, but it is very indicative of what shows up on the test.</p>

<p>I used Kaplans and though it was helpful, a lot of their practice questions were unrealistic.</p>

<p>You'll be thinking, "****! That was NOT in Cliffs!"</p>

<p>I recommend actually taking AP Bio as a class, but if that's no possible then do the prep books. My Bio teacher said that the SAT II bio is much easier than the AP test.</p>

<p>I took A.P bio this year, and got a 780 on Sat II. I just studied out of my cliff's A.P bio and by textbook during the year, did no specialized SAT II study, and I was fine. Bottom line is, SAT is a lot easier than A.P</p>

<p>Pretty much if u take the class, the test is easy.</p>