<p>I have decided to transfer from Univeristy of Chicago, which is ranked nineth by USNWR to Brown, which is ranked fiftheeth by USNWR. I want to transfer mainly because Chicago does not have the kind of political and social atmosphere I want. In addition, Brown classes seem to be easier; that it does not even have a CORE and that people can basically create their own majors there. I currently have a 3.07 GPA from first quarter at Chicago. I wonder how would Brown evaluate my application. Thank you for any comments you give me.</p>
<p>Well... if you told them that Brown is easier and you want a lower ranked school (rank doesn't matter!) then that's not so hot...</p>
I have decided to transfer from Univeristy of Chicago, which is ranked nineth by USNWR to Brown, which is ranked fiftheeth by USNWR
<p>I seriously wonder why you even bring up this information. Chicago also had a 21% acceptance rate for transfers while Brown had somewhere around a 10% acceptance rate. The ranking in this case is irrelevant, particularly since the difference is only 6 places. </p>
<p>The bottom line is this: it would be easier to transfer from Brown to UChi than from UChi to Brown.</p>
<p>you stated rank right off the bat, that's a paddlin.</p>
<p>you said Brown is easier, that's a paddlin.</p>
<p>"it does not EVEN have a CORE" sounds like you're looking down on the place, that's a paddlin.</p>
<p>failure to give any sort of important material besides college GPA (hs gpa, SAT, SATII, ACT, major, recommendations, extracurriculars) that's a paddlin.</p>
<p>I am a first year and applying for sophomore standing. I have HS GPA of 3.97, ACT of 27 (only took it once). I have no evaluation on recoms, college reports, or any of those stuffs.</p>
<p>for transfers, college grades and recommendations are more important than high school stats.</p>
<p>but they do and should consider that the fact I am from a higher ranked school as hook, since many people from less quality schools apply to Brown simply because of reasons of prestigious. I am not one of them. I truely have reason to not like chicago and like brown. I believe this is what distinguishes my from the rest of the applications.</p>
<p>So, when asked why you want to go to Brown, what would you say for that short answer?</p>
<p>coming from a higher ranked school is not necessarily a hook. A hook is something interesting about yourself, not about a school. And since you're applying after only one semester, HS counts.</p>
<p>I said that it is much left wing and politically active than chicago. It divested from Darfur. And it seems to give more attention to undergraduate students than does Chicago.</p>
<p>Well, selectivity only accounts for 15% of that ranking, so I really don't see how it helps you that Brown is ranked lower.
The number of scientific articles, number of alumni, graduation rate, or food quality have absolutely nothing to do with your chances of getting in.</p>
<p>anyone here works for Brown admission? Can I ask him/her some questions?</p>
<p>This person is a troll (creative). Check the transfer thread.
Creative- I hate to tell you, but plenty of people apply to Brown as transfers from schools more highly ranked than Chicago. These people also have higher SATs/ACTs, higher college GPAs and aren't arrogant. I know two people personally who are applying to Brown from other Ivy League schools. One is also applying to Chicago, by the way.</p>
<p>Well.... First of all, I think it's really obnoxious and uncalled for that you cited the whole US News Ranking thing as a reason that you should be accepted. Also, I think that it's important to know that UChicago's acceptance rate is like triple if not the quadruple of Brown's. And I think according to the Revealed Preference Ranking, Brown is ranked 7th while UChicago is ranked 27th, which means that clearly Brown is not in some kind of desperation to get you to attend Brown..I think for the reason above as well as for the condescending tone of your post, a lot of people in this thread are offended.</p>
<p>I don't think that I am being completely honest. Also because the whole ranking thing is one of the most sensitive issue to Brunonians. Just like U Chicago's high acceptance rate is a sensitive issue to them. Or the fact that Harvard was outranked by Princeton or the fact that Princeton is (or soon) the only school in HYPS that has ED and losses cross admits with the rest of them.</p>
<p>r u dumb creativemind? brown is considered to be a lot better than uchicago u noob! and tahts ur hook? my school is better than urs so let me in? and a 3.07 gpa is not exactly very high</p>
<p>seriously ^^^</p>
<p>Chicago is ranked slightly higher but Brown is MUCH more selective and one of the most sought after schools around. Brown is supposedly one of the happiest schools in the country and, for the sake of everyone there, I really hope you don't get in.</p>
<p>u hope i dont get in? why?</p>
<p>haha no I'm not talking about you. Are you applying there?</p>
<p>I'm referring to creativemind.</p>
<p>i don't think you can use US News and World Report as the end all be all determination of the quality of a school. It is a money making venture for the publication. Each and every school has its own personality that cannot be subjugated to numbers on a 1-10 scale. Your faith in the numbers says a lot about you.</p>