<p>Hi - can anyone tell me how easy it is to enroll an engineering major after the first year? I am interested in engineering, but I am admitted undeclared major. Is it possible that ask the admission to switch before enrolling for freshman?
Any input is greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>If you applied undeclared, then it is very possible that they will be willing to switch you to engineering, although if you were not admitted as an engineering major, it does not mean you cannot study engineering. </p>
<p>In either case, it would be wise to talk to the admissions staff and make your interests clear and see what they will be willing to do. If you were not admitted to the department but have improved your senior grades or have evidence that they do not have that points to your future success in engineering, show it to them.</p>
<p>If you were not admitted in the first place to the engineering department, be sure to work hard and do well in your science and math general education courses. You can probably transfer after a semester of good work and a GPA of 3.2+ and do not need to wait for a year.</p>
<p>The same thing happen to me. I talked to the enigineering department Don’t worry, we can still take all the same classes and we get into the program after first semester if we have good grades. Its stinks because we cant get into the engineering rap.</p>