Frost school of music or tulane's music dept? CONFUSED!

<p>Jeremy-You should probably go to the music major forum (under college majors heading) on this site and post your question. The posters there might be able to give some more insight into the different music programs and things to look for when making your decision. Good luck.</p>

<p>Yea Miami has a lot more diversity than Tulane. But yea Tulane is less sports which might be a plus for u.</p>

<p>I think one important thing to remember about the difference between Tulane and Miami is that Tulane doesn't actually have a school of music. They have a department which is very good in its own ways, but at the same time UMiami is nationally known for their music school. I actually made the exact same decision as you Jeremy a couple of weeks ago, and while Tulane is a great school, in terms of music, in my opinion, Miami has a better program because its not held back by limited resources. Anyway, thats just my thoughts.</p>

<p>^^Are those last two posts actually advertisements? Are you spamming CC? I’m not really sure why those two posts are relevant to this thread.</p>

<p>^^Oh, I see. You ARE spamming. This is an old thread that you tagged with your own personal advertisement. Yuk.</p>