FSU First Year Abroad and Digital Media Production Major

D23 applied to FSU film school and unfortunately was not accepted. However, she did update her application to major in Digital Media Production. She was deferred in February and today learned she was accepted for First Year Abroad through the Seminal Pathway. She has other good film school options, but she loved FSU when we visited last year. When taking the tour, the film school admission counselor really talked up the First Year Abroad program. We are out of state so she would get in-state tuition after the first year.

We would appreciate any feedback regarding the First Year Abroad Program (London or Valencia) or the Digital Media Production Major. The deadline to accept is next week so it’s probably going to be a pass, but we wouldn’t want to let it go without getting more information.

My S21 was denied for film school. He switched his app to Digital Media. He was accepted along with OOS tuition waiver and honors program. We thought for sure he would choose a different school for film. He chose FSU. He loved it during his visit. He also wanted the 4 year college experience. Most BFA film programs are intense and you’re immersed in filmmaking with no time for other pursuits.

Digital Media is a limited access major. You’re not guaranteed admission after sophomore year. I’ve heard acceptance rate is in the 25-50% range. This was a gamble for my son but it paid off. He was admitted after first year. He brought enough AP credits to be considered a sophomore.

If you’re thinking of attending and trying to transfer into the film school I wouldn’t bother. They might take 2 or 3 transfers out of hundreds of applications.

So far my son loves it. He’s enjoying his classes and works on a lot of films with film students. They’re always looking for help.

I’ve only heard good things about study abroad. The tuition savings is huge. His COA is under $20k/year. I would sign-up for the FSU parents Facebook page. It’s been very helpful.

Thank you. Knowing how hard it is to get into the film school as a freshman, she would never count on transferring into it. We are going to call the Digital Media Department tomorrow to get more details about admission. What kinds of filming is your son doing? On the website, it says it’s geared toward documentaries and sports, which is not her thing. How are the facilities?

Her final schools that she is considering are all BFAs except for Ithaca: Emerson, Chapman, UNCSA, and UCONN. That’s what she wanted. Since the deadline to decide on FSU is April 5, and we haven’t visited all our final schools yet, it’s almost definite that she’s going to have to decline. She’s thrilled that she was admitted to such a selective university but I feel she’ll have a better experience attending one of the other highly-ranked film schools.

He’s worked on documentaries which he finds interesting. That said, he’s made friends with a lot of the kids in the film school so he’s always working on a set somewhere. The film school kids are making films so they’re always looking for help. He was even offered an internship at the film school for editing. He looks at that he has the best of both worlds. He can enjoy his college experience and work on sets any time he chooses.

Emerson was his top school choice but didn’t get enough merit. We also visited UNCSA. The facilities are top notch. The atmosphere seemed intense. The kids are definitely immersed from day one. Good luck.

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Was your daughter accepted to the Chapman film program? If so, I would encourage her to attend rather than trying to be accepted into the Digital Media program or transferring into the film school at FSU. We toured Chapman’s film school and met some of the faculty and did the same at FSU. The facilities and staff at Chapman stand out and it’s obvious why Chapman is rated so much higher. Most importantly, Chapman is much better connected to the film industry and will make it much more likely that your student finds employment after finishing.

Today is the deadline for FSU and we haven’t really given it much thought since last week when she was accepted. FSU isn’t a good fit since she wasn’t accepted to the film school (as well as DeSantis’ actions since she applied), but I did love the price if she spent her first year abroad.

She was accepted to Chapman’s Creative Producing program. We visited Emerson last weekend and it’s definitely where she is leaning right now, although Chapman, Ithaca, UNCSA and UCONN are still in the picture.