FSU Honors Program application process for a transfer student?

Hi everyone,

I’m a student at TCC who is transferring to FSU through their guaranteed acceptance TCC2FSU program next fall. I’ve read up on all the Honors Program stuff, and am currently a member of the TCC honors program with a 4.0 GPA which meets both sides of their minimum requirements to apply.

However… due to having to take three math classes for one of my majors (Economics) I am pretty sure my GPA will drop before I get there. I am really bad at math so I’m just assuming I’ll get a C in all three math classes as a worst case scenario situation. If I continued to get A’s in everything else, but with those three C’s, my final GPA when I transfer would be 3.7.

I’ve noticed through my research on these forums that high school students applying to the Honors Program their freshman year are frequently rejected with 3.8 and 3.9 GPA’s, AP classes etc. so this concerns me a bit.

Are the admissions criteria for transfer students with an AA just as strict as they are for high school students?

What GPA does a transfer student need to have a realistic chance of being accepted by the Honors Program? Would I have any chance at all with a 3.7?
