Fulfilling College Sector Requirements

<p>I have finally got around to completely reading the material for course registration. Then I found there are sector requirements for "living world", "physical world", and "natural sciences and mathematics", all three of which just look like three science courses in a row. </p>

<p>When I finished my chem and physics exam a week ago, I thought sciences would be over. I did well in the sciences in high school but am definitely not looking forward to seeing redox equations or neutrinos again. I'm most probably doing political science or economics as a major.</p>

<p>What do you guys suggest that I do? Should I fulfill all three requirements during my freshman year?</p>

<p>My school didn't offer AP sciences. Is taking an internal department exam for chem feasible to fulfil a requirement?</p>

<p>there's a broad range of courses that fit</p>

<p>living world</p>

<p>College</a> Curriculum - Course Listing</p>

<p>physical world</p>

<p>College</a> Curriculum - Course Listing</p>

<p>natural science / math</p>

<p>College</a> Curriculum - Course Listing</p>

<p>notice how many non-science department classes (like anthro, gender + society, linguistics, visual studies) can fulfill the requirements</p>

<p>Is it common for juniors and seniors to fulfill these requirements then, or does everybody just take them freshman and sophomore years? </p>

<p>Honestly, there aren't really that many choices. Say for "Living World", if you have no bio background and are avoiding BIOL courses, you have to choose between Human Evolution, Psych (a 300+ class), or Sex and Human Nature.</p>

<p>well, all biol classes below 100-level are more seminar-like and aren't so science-heavy - they're more humanities-based (there's an writing seminar in biol)</p>

<p>that biol 008, 014 all look pretty decent (i guess 003 is out without having a hs background) - and especially biol 008, it's crosslisted as gender + society</p>

<p>it's psych 1, not 300 level?</p>

<p>and you've got the linguistics option there too</p>

<p>BIOL008, 014 aren't offered this year. I don't know if I can count on them being offered next year. Too bad writing seminars can't double count as both writing and sector. </p>

<p>My apologies, I meant Pysch has a cap of 300 something people in that class, and I'm guessing the number of students approaches that number. It's something I'm trying to avoid. </p>

<p>Linguistics isn't offered either.</p>

<p>oh well yeah don't worry about fulfilling them all now</p>

<p>and don't be afraid of big lectures; large size doesn't necessarily imply poor quality - especially not where psych 001 is concerned</p>