Fulfilling core classes with AP, questions

<p>Yes, it might…but since no one really knows which med school a student will get accepted to, it’s best to take the “next higher” Chem classes and not rely on OChem I and II to demonstrate competance. </p>

<p>I will try to find out the most widely held req’ts.</p>

<p>That said, USC and Texas med schools have their own odd req’ts.</p>

<p>*So there is no harm in using AP credit for General Chemistry, since you’ll be taking Organic? *</p>

<p>Heard from 2 sources…</p>

<p>A student who takes AP Chem credit must take 2 years of Chem at their college (including one year of OChem). Two years of Chem means 4 semesters or 6 quarters…depending on your school. The courses to replace Gen Chem must have a lab…likewise for the courses that replace Bio.</p>

<p>Most med schools will accept upper division courses with a W writing designation to replace compensate for taking AP English credit.</p>

<p>I’ll post if I hear more. The above squares with what I was told earlier.</p>