full pay student, worth it?

i'm accepted by UM as a full pay international student in the business school
(well, my SAT is not high enough...)
right now, it's my number 1 choice</p>

<p>the questions are:
does UM worth the money? does the miami lifestyle 'bleed money'?
coz i can go to a similar rank state school with less amount of money (i'm also accepted by psu)</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptance! Only you can decide if it is financially worth it. With that said if the full cost puts you in a financial hardship I would not go unless you had no other options. If the state school is even close in offering you the education you want, I would go for that. I am not in a situation that the extra cost would be worth it for me. If you have the money then go for it.</p>

<p>Hey ellenkwy, im an intl too and i am in the same spot. Im between UM and UTexas at Austin. I think Texas is better in my major (econ</p>

<p>UM is really expensive for full pay students, sighhh
but the weather is just awesome… at least i don’t have to bring/buy winter clothes if i go to miami (think about pennsylvania…uh oh)</p>

i think private schools generally have smaller class size and better facilities
at least you won’t be stuck in a class with 200 people together in a private school, that’s what i read from some posts on this forum
the student faculty ratio in both ut austin and psu is 17:1, and it’s 11:1 in miami</p>

<p>i need to send my deposit in within a few days…urghh, hard decision</p>

<p>Do you have the financial ability to pay for UM? If so, I’d say it’s worth it.
My friend got into PSU & she’s paying full price, and it’s still a TON of money. If I were in her position ( & yours, I suppose) I’d probably drop the extra 10k$ for the location, smaller school size, and the ability to network/get internships. Miami is a thriving city.</p>

<p>It really just depends on you though, so put a lot of thought into it and good luck!</p>