<p>My GPA is 98-99, i got a 2400 on the SAT, and I take hard classes. But in case I dont get into a top college that gives the best financial aid, I'd like to have some options of good colleges that will offer me a lot of money. What are some of these?</p>
<p>USC[ USNWR # 25] has given out nearly 150 full tuition and almost 400 1/2 tuition scholarships each year. And there is even more scholarship $$ available next year, because of a huge alumni gift.</p>
<p>Fall 2010 Entering Freshman Class
New freshmen 2,972
USC Trustee Scholars (full tuition) 146
USC Presidential Scholars (half tuition) 399</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/private/1011/FreshmanProfile2010.pdf[/url]”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/private/1011/FreshmanProfile2010.pdf</a>
here is a partial list of scholarships
<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/private/docs/1112/uscScholarships1112v3.pdf[/url]”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/private/docs/1112/uscScholarships1112v3.pdf</a></p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/848226-important-links-automatic-guaranteed-merit-scholarships.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/848226-important-links-automatic-guaranteed-merit-scholarships.html</a></p>
<p>Are you a likely NMF? What was your PSAT?</p>
<p>If you do get into a top school, do you know if you’ll qualify for the aid that you need? Do you know how much your family will pay? Do you know if they can pay their “expected family contribution” at a CSS Profile school?</p>
<p>Do you have a Non-custodial parent? Will he/she contribute?</p>
<p>Thanks everybody. I am a likely nmf… my psat was 225 in ny. </p>
<p>And yep, I know I can hope for financial aid from the top schools, but merit aid from other schools could also be nice.</p>
<p>The USC trustee scholarship… is it just freshman year?</p>
<p>No> ALL of USC scholarships are for all 4 years, as long as you maintain a 3.0 GPA.</p>