Full Rides for National Achievement Scholars?

<p>:D I got mine today. I was surprised that my mom didn’t open it lol.</p>

<p>We received letter in the mail yesterday. My daughter gave me permission to open it because she was at a track meet. I had to wait till 10 PM to celebrate with her.</p>

<p>@Ayana624 your mom was good to wait I don’t think I could have. Congrats to you all!</p>

<p>I got the letter yesterday! I’m so excited, i thought i was out of the running for sure because of my gpa. Do people usually get in with 3.5s? i was sure it was impossible</p>

<p>I received notification today!</p>

<p>S got his letter yesterday but still no certificate from his HS as yet.
Anyone received any notification of merit $$ from the higher ranked private schools as yet? Any suggestions on smaller sized schools that are generous to NAF. We won’t qualify for FA but don’t have the $$ saved (read elderly parents w/huge medical bills).
S has high SAT (1500/1600) but low GPA (3.4) so it has been difficult. Definitely does not use his God given talents. Grades are A+ on classes that he is interested in but Cs and Bs if he doesn’t care.</p>

<p>I found out that I’m a finalist today during all-school meeting; my guidance counselor made an announcement and handed me the certificate. On one hand I’m thrilled about this new development, but now I’m pretty much Alabama-bound and I’m not pleased. (Dad is, though. VERY pleased.)</p>

<p>I got the finalist letter a week or so ago. I was happy.</p>

<p>I got the letter last week as well. My principal kept my certificate and said that I wouldn’t see it until we have an award assembly. I’ve been accepted to Georgia Tech and some really good engineering schools but I’m waiting to see if my interviews with Harvard, Yale and Princeton will pay off. Will being a finalist help my application?</p>

<p>^It may help set us apart from some other black applicants because about 1300 (might be lower than that this year. Anybody know the exact number?) become finalists while HYP get over 2000 black applicants, but I can’t say that becoming a finalist would help as much as being an ISEF finalist would, for example. Here’s a thread that talks about how much it helps:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/636877-national-achievement-seems-help-alot.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/636877-national-achievement-seems-help-alot.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>what are the requirements to go from national achievement semifinalist to national achievement finalist?</p>

<p>like what GPA, SAT score, etc?</p>