Full-Time Student, Full-Time Employee, Full-Time Single Mommy?

<p>Ok, this break between Fall and Spring semester is killing me! Every time I walk out of the room my son begins to cry, "Momma! Momma! Momma!", and I haven't left his side since the break began. I work on campus of my school, so I won't be returning to work till the Spring semester begins, when I'm enrolled in 21 units and work 40 hours.. Does anyone have any tips coping with a mommy-lonely baby [15 months] and still trying to get their homework done???</p>

<p>I suggest posting in Parents forum where you’ll probably be more likely to get tips from experienced people than in this cafe, which tends to focus on much lighter subjects and attract a younger and childless crowd.</p>

<p>My own advice is that it’s next to impossible to both work and go to school full time. Saying this as someone who wrote my dissertation while being married, having an infant and working fulltime. </p>

<p>Writing a dissertation requires less work than does taking 21 hours.</p>

<p>My advice is to cut way back on your courses, perhaps taking only 1-2 a semester. You’ll still finish school eventually, and you’ll be able to do this while still being able to enjoy those precious, short years of your son’s childhood. Make sure, you build in some stress reduction time for yourself such as time to work out. Otherwise, the stress will really get to you and you’ll be struggling to do adequately all of the things you’re juggling.</p>