Fun Cornell Classes for senior year?

<p>What are some fun classes I can take next year as a senior? Are there any cooking classes I can take in the Hotel School? What about an astronomy class? Any recommendations for fun (as well as little work) classes would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Wine is a lot of work but makes you super business savvy and you get to drink wine which is nice. ps did I mention it's hard? I'm sure u know the whole story about how it's the class that fails the most kids.</p>

<p>Def make sure u have taken psych...of course.</p>

<p>hm not sure about others tho...haven't had enough experience outside of ILR. Def make sure u have an amazing senior year tho!</p>

<p>Google "easiest classes cornell." someone made a list of easy/fun classes...</p>

<p>There's an astro class offered in the fall, Observational Astronomy, that I hear is quite fun/easy.
Wines is a classic but I hear it's overrated and it's not worth the waitlist uncertainty that most people encounter.
War and Peace in Greece and Rome is a history dept. classic. Supposed to be very fun, medium/low amount of work. I took a class with the prof, he's very cool/pretty easy. I think this will be offered in Spring of next year. There's a WWII class offered in the fall that lots of people like and which is very easy.
Computing in the Arts is also supposed to be very cool.</p>

<p>What about that class on mushrooms? (no, not those kinds of mushrooms)</p>

<p>There was also one on dinosaurs that I wanted to take. 1 class a week.</p>